Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
Hi mamas, I'm trying to ween my 1yo off of formula during the day to whole milk... he absolutely hates it and it's the end of the world, lol. What are some things that you are trying to help ween or what brand milk are you getting? I just got generic whole milk but i'm thinking of getting the Horizons new developmen...
My LO is 6 weeks this Saturday and has been having around 4oz. More often than not he does finish but not all the time. If he's not crying after finishing should I stay at 4 oz or increase? Dont want to overfeed and think the recommendation is to stay at 4oz for his age for a while
I’ve breast fed my daughter for 5 months and I’m looking to stop, she does take 1 bottle of formula every now and again but I have no idea where to start & how much to give her? Can anyone please point me in the right direction Thanks
Hi guys, What do you use to descale your electric sterilisers? And how long do you need to switch steriliser on for to descale bases? I have the tommee tippee electric steriliser and the mam electric steriliser.
Mom on a budget. Anyone know why the Kirkland (Costco) formula is so much cheaper? If you have any opinions on it please let me know. I’d love to save some money but I wonder why it’s so much less money 🤨
Just wondering if anyone is using ready to feed formula? I’m combo feeding and currently doing a mix of express, nursing and ready to feed formula bottles. Not sure if and when I’m going to switch to powder since it’s so convenient…
I only sent my first child 1 day a week at 9 months old, he’s only just started 2 days a week at 2, but because of the government hours I’m thinking of sending my second 2/3 days a week at 11 months old. Is this too much? What is everybody else’s experiences with this?
My LO is 9.5m and currently has 4 milk feeds and 3 meals (lunch tends to be quite small still). He has a milk feed upon waking each morning and after his 2 naps and then a bedtime one: 7am milk 8am breakfast 10.30/ 11am milk 12.30 lunch 3/3.30 milk 5/5.30 dinner 6.30 milk This currently works well for us but I w...
For the ladies who are choosing formula, what formula are you going to choose? For my first I had SMA as that’s what they had at the hospital but also because at the time it was the cheapest that I could afford. I’d like to know what your choosing and your reason? (I will also be expressing breast milk, this is just...
Hi all , I’ve decided to make the swop from breastfeeding to formula, I spoke to my midwife about this who said to do it gradually, So I started with one bottle for a couple of days and have been upping it every other day , today she will go on to 3 bottles of formula, my midwife originally advised to start with 3...
anyone else’s baby completely refusing cows milk? i’ve been trying to introduce it slowly but any bottle with any cows milk in at all even if it’s mostly formula she’ll refuse it. Any tips pls?
After switching from formula to cow’s milk ,(switched it slowly) my baby has become so gassy. And it affects his night sleep so much. I give him 1 morning and 1 before bedtime. How can I cope with this? Should I switch lactose free milk or something? Xx
Could I get some opinions on bottle sterilisers please? Which do people most refer and which should I stay clear of?
My little boy has colic and is so unhappy I’m looking at changing his milk he’s currently on aptamil but no idea what to change to? I’ve looked into comfort milks for colic but unsure as to what brand. Has anyone switched formula?
And how much?
How much formula and how often are your LOs having?
I recently switched to the Dr browns 8 oz bottles but they don’t fit in my mom cozy bottle warmer with the nipple on so I’ve been heating them up without the lid or green colic attachment. Is water getting in the bottle from the steam that heats the milk? Is there something different I should be doing? Help!
Why does formula change to “follow on milk” at 6 months? I didn’t even realise and was going to just keep giving my baby the usual “first milk” formula. Now that she is 6 months do I need to change to the next formula?
So I thought we were the lucky ones and Dr Browns bottles weren’t going to leak, but here we are😅 Drives me CRAZY! What bottles are similar to the Dr Browns Narrow Bottles?!🥴
How long did everyone continue to sanitize bottle and bottle parts? Your girl is tired lol