Baby Sleep

Sleep: possibly the hottest topic for new mamas. We’ve got expert advice and real stories from real mamas to help you and your baby snag a few more zzz’s with baby sleep schedules, sleep tips, and more.

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Recent discussions

Putting baby to bed alone

When do you put your baby to bed and leave them alone without being in the room with them? My daughter is 12 weeks and I can’t put her down to sleep at 9 without going to bed with her as I feel terrified of SIDS! So I end up going up with her and missing my evenings with my husband as I don’t want to learn her alone...


Gro Egg

Does this need plugging in constantly to work or does it just need recharging when the battery gets low?


Contact napping

My 12 week old sleeps in his bassinet at night with no issues, but during the day we can't get him to nap in there. He falls asleep on me, we put him in the bassinet and maximum 10 minutes later he wakes up. Any advice to help him nap in the bassinet?


Bed Time

Anyone else struggling to put their LO down for bed at night? My LO takes HOURS to finally go to sleep. I do a bath at 7pm, feed her, etc for a bedtime routine. She falls asleep for 10 min in her crib, wakes up, and I try rocking/shushing/feeding/etc to put her back down. It’s a vicious cycle that lasts for hours....


Informal naps

Based on posts I see here I feel like the only person who doesn't intentionally put their baby for naps. She sleeps in the pram when we're out and goes down in the house when she's tired but she never ever naps in her moses basket or cot or anything and there's no set times. She still gets 4-5 hours a day (sometimes...


Night away

First time in nearly 5months our little boy is with his nana for the night so we can get some sleep as it’s been a touch couple of weeks. But now feeling mega mum guilt and want to go and pick him up already. Anyone else tried a night off yet? Mixed emotions right now.


Moving to own room

Hi ladies, Out of curiosity has anybody moved their baby to their own room before 6 months & how did it go?


Bedtime routine at 12 weeks

I’m not sure when to start a proper bedtime routine? I already do the last feed in bed and then she goes in the next to me but not until about 9/10pm. What do others do? :)


Keeping me on my toes🙈

Safe to say my LO is keeping me on my toes this week!! Not only has he started crawling properly, but I've tried to put him down for a nap this afternoon and could hear him chattering away on the monitor. Left him for a bit to see if he'd fall asleep. 5-10 minutes later I just happened to check the camera and he'...


Help !

Hi mums, I need some advice—I’m feeling really confused about what I might be doing wrong. Before starting nursery, my lil one 8 months old had a perfect daily routine, but now that he’s going full-time, everything feels out of sync. He wakes up at 7 AM, has a milk bottle, and I drop him off at nursery by 8 AM. Wh...


Sleeping problems…

Those who didn’t “sleep train” their kids and/or also co-slept, please give me some reassurance. I am struggling with my youngest’s sleep and at my wits end. I don’t want to hear her cry when I know she just wants to be in my arms and she will drop off with ease. I don’t want to deal with sleepless nights trying to ...


Daytime naps

What are you putting your babies to sleep in for daytime naps? We did have the newborn Tripp Trapp but she was getting a bit big for that but now don’t know what to use instead?


Breastfeeding help

My baby is 1 week old today and I have been mainly breast feeding him but he just doesn’t sleep. If I manage to get him to settle in his Moses basket he wakes up 45 minutes later rooting and crying. The only time he’s slept longer than one hour is in my arms (I stay awake) or when my partner gives him some formula ,...


Co sleepers with toddlers, are you having the best sleep or the worst sleep with your kids?

I cannot wait to get my lg into her room, I’m not one to be touched at all whilst sleeping i absolutely hate it, my lg is a very light sleeper and when i move her she jumps straight back onto me and has me in the worst uncomfortable positions (has to be touching at all times and only with me, not her dad or anyone e...



How do you get your baby to sleep without putting them on the boob. My LO is refusing to be rocked, but will sleep in a pram or on the boob. I need help?



I’m struggling a bit with social media getting the better of me. I quite like not sticking to a strict one with set times etc. We are getting up when we like which is normally between 8-10 and then starting the day and then just napping at the recommended times from huckleberry’s sweet spots and she goes to bed abou...

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