Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
Have people used these for their baby’s colds? My 13 week has had a cold for about 3 weeks now and last night I had to sit on the sofa all night so he could sleep upright to breathe properly🤦🏻♀️ I’ve used snufflebabe & saline drops..
I need to start sleep training our little one but she refuses to sleep in her crib. I don't want to co-sleep but it seems that's the only way she sleeps through the night since 6 months. She is now 9 months.
My 6 month old is now wanting to sleep on his side and eventually onto his tummy. I’m freaking out through the whole night. I try to gently roll him back but he does not like that. Do I let him do this?
So this is the first baby I've gotten to latch, is it normal for breastfeeding babies to be velcro babies and only want me for everything?
What do people do for holidays with their prams? We have a bugaboo donkey but I don’t think it’s gonna be possible taking it in the plane even in the hold as there’s so many parts that need to come off and I just feel like it will be so easy to lose a seat or damage it. We have a ergobaby metro so I’m not sure w...
I noticed it a few weeks back but over the last week I've clocked the lyrics 😅 He's singing Baa Baa Black sheep and it's just adorable. Are your little ones singing to themselves and if so, what's their song of choice?
Anyone have a baby with a milk allergy? How long did it take for them to become less fussy after removing dairy from your diet? Did you completely remove dairy, or reduce?
I’m due to go to work in about 2 months time when my little one will be 13 months. She’s currently feeding around 5 times a day (roughly every 3 hours) and is on three meals and a good eater. I’m hoping to continue breastfeeding the morning and evening feeds when I go back but I have no idea when or how to start red...
hi what is a good shampoo / body wash for babies but that also smells good? i used to use the purple Johnson’s one but i heard that it’s bad so i need a good alternative pls Also, baby lotions and shampoo/body wash
Has anyone done it successfully? I really don’t want to leave my baby cry it out but I think I’m getting post partum depression because of the little sleep I have every night. My baby is 6 months old and he only sleeps for 1-1.5 hours at the time at night and 20minutes naps during the day. Cosleeping is not an optio...
Anyone still going strong with it? We are currently waking up every 1.5-2 hours between midnight and 6 AM. He doesn’t settle without a feed. I wonder if I am leaving a legacy for the future by feeding at each waking? 😅🥹 And all those moms giving teething remedies, do they have red swollen gums? I wonder if it’s…
Is anyone else’s 6 month old still in a sleep bag? If not, what else do you do?
I'm trying to spend the full day at home with my little one. We've got out of the house every day since she was 3 weeks old. I'm finding it hard, and I'm desperate to get out of the house with her 😂 How do you mama's do it? We've played everything, peekaboo, her watching me dance, crawling time, books, sensory…
I already have a stroller so I’m not looking to break the bank on a new one. However, I am looking for one that’s a big easier to open/ close as my current one requires both hands and a not so gentle tug to do so. My LO is 9 months & I would appreciate any and all recommendations.
I've been thinking about putting my little one into his own room at 3months I feel me and my partners sleeping seems to disturb him and I feel this is why he wakes through the night- husband is a snorer and I am pretty wrestless in my sleep🥲 is 3months to young -speaking go others they say they done it with there…
What tog sleeping bag has everyone gone for for their newborn? Thanks!
I'm about to hit 4 months pp and noticed my supply dropping, sometimes by almost 2oz! I pump every 6-8 hrs, depending on how busy I am that day. I make just enough for baby to eat, but I've noticed some days he is more hungry, so I dip into some freezer stash (which I don't have a lot). With my first baby, my sup...
Just had my little boy weighed, he was just above the 25th centile before and he's now just under. I know their meant to follow the same line throughout. The lady who weighed him said its not really a concern but I can't help but worry. He did have his jabs two weeks ago and went off his milk for a few days then so ...
Is there a hair gel that would be safe to use on a 4 month old? My boy as a lot of hair and I wanted to try styling it 😆
How many times do you need to resettle your LO during the night? (Not including feeding but putting the dummy back in/rocking/patting or whatever you do!)