Does Female Masturbation Cause Hormonal Imbalance?

Does Female Masturbation Cause Hormonal Imbalance?

There are several reasons why you might be wondering, Does female masturbation cause hormonal imbalance?

Maybe you’re having trouble conceiving, or you’re suffering from PCOS.

So, does female masturbation cause hormonal imbalance?

The short answer is… no.

So please go ahead and enjoy yourself worry-free.

For those sticking around for the details, let’s dive in.

Starting with the basics: what is masturbation?

Basically, female masturbation is all about using your own hands (or toys… or whatever else you’re into) to please yourself sexually.

And that’s a pretty awesome (and natural) thing to do. 🪄

You get an intimate solo tour of your body and a chance to experiment with what turns you on.

Plus, it’s the safest way to have intimate fun.

That’s because there’s (almost) no chance of getting STDs.

Just wash your toys and store them safely to keep bacterial infections away.

But can female masturbation have any negative effects on your hormones? Let’s explore the evidence.

In this article: 📝

  • What are the signs of female hormone imbalance?
  • Does masturbation affect hormones?
  • Does female masturbation cause hormonal imbalance?
  • What is the major cause of hormonal imbalance?
  • Does masturbation cause PCOS?
  • Does female masturbation cause infertility?

What are the signs of female hormone imbalance?

Hormones are the chemical messengers that coordinate various processes in your body.

They’re an important part of your growth and development and play a key role in your metabolism, sexual function, reproductive health, and mood.

A hormone imbalance can happen when you have too much or too little of one or more of your hormones.

This can lead to certain health conditions that require medical treatment, such as thyroid disease, infertility, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Signs of female hormonal imbalance vary depending on the hormone affected but can include:

  • Fatigue 🥱
  • Depression or [anxiety]
  • Mood swings 🤬
  • Excess body hair (hirsutism)
  • Painful, heavy, or irregular periods 🩸
  • Low libido
  • Vaginal dryness 🏜️
  • Acne
  • Insomnia 😳
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Unexplained weight gain or weight loss
  • Headaches 🫨

There are all sorts of reasons why you might have a hormonal imbalance.

Female hormone imbalances can be caused by menopause, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and thyroid problems to name a few (this list is not exhaustive).

Trauma, stress, and eating disorders can also all affect your hormones.

Some medical procedures, such as treatments for breast cancer, can also result in hormonal changes.

So what about masturbation? Can it have an affect on your hormones?

Well, here’s where things get tricky.


Does masturbation affect hormones?

Masturbation does affect your hormones, just not in any way that you should worry about.

Orgasming releases dopamine (the “pleasure” chemical) and oxytocin (the “bonding” hormone). 🫶🏼

It also releases serotonin, which may be why you’re relaxed, in a good mood, and in serious need of a nap afterward. 😌

Various studies (this one and this one, for example) showed that sexual arousal and orgasm can lead to a change in your prolactin levels.

This is the hormone that stimulates the development of your breasts and helps out with milk production.

So why do we release prolactin after orgasm?

Well, we’re not 100% sure – but one theory is that prolactin may help you feel sexually satisfied. 😏

Does female masturbation cause hormonal imbalance?

While orgasms absolutely increases the production of oxytocin and prolactin – neither has any real impact on hormonal imbalance or fertility.

The reason being that we don’t need to be aroused to ovulate.

Mainly, the surge of prolactin post-climax leads to a temporary pause on your libido so you can refocus your attention (this time backed by a sense of deep satisfaction).

But these rises and releases are only temporary.

But outside of hormone imbalance, masturbation has all sorts of benefits for physical, sexual, and mental health. 💚

On a physical level, masturbation can help reduce menstrual cramping, speed-up labor, and combat sexual dysfunction.

A 2009 study even showed that the use of vibrators encourages regular gynecologic exams as women naturally become better acquainted with their genital area.

The same study also revealed that using vibrators promotes psychological well-being and sexual function such as lubrication, orgasm, and desire. 🎇

And it’s not only your physical self that reaps all the perks – your brain gets some love too.

The rise in endorphins (the “feel-good” chemicals) is linked to improved sleep, mood, and concentration, alongside reduced pain, stress, and anxiety.

Yep, the very same chemicals released from exercise – all the more reason to try some moves from our sexercise guide.

Orgasms also stimulate the release of endocannabinoids, which are thought to play a central role in regulating inflammation, metabolism, energy, appetite, and memory.

And if you’re currently journeying through menopause, masturbation has been touted as a welcome relief to vaginal dryness and loss of libido.

So, while we can’t say masturbation is good for female hormone imbalance, it equally has no negative impact.

What it does do is greatly improve your quality of life (well we think so anyways 😏) and perhaps bring relief to some symptoms of hormonal imbalance.

What is the major cause of hormonal imbalance?

With masturbation off the table as a cause for hormonal imbalance (phew), let’s dive into other possible triggers.

Because, let’s face it, the female body is complicated and hormones are as sensitive as they are powerful.

From the natural to the temporary to the chronic conditions, here are some of the most common causes of hormonal imbalance:

1. Life stage

Puberty, pregnancy, menopause – there are many seasons the female body goes through.

Dramatic fluctuations happen at each phase and affect every individual differently.

But that’s exactly what the Peanut community is here for. 🥜

2. Stress

The link between stress and hormones has long been studied.

Chronic stress has been linked to endocrine disorders like Graves’ disease, thyroid storm, and adrenal crisis.

3. Diet

Nutrition and dietary patterns can have both a positive and negative impact on hormones.

Severe dietary restrictions, lack of nutrients, and undereating can all play havoc with hormones and ovulation.

4. Excess sugar

Sugar is a major disruptor of insulin – a powerful hormone closely related to estrogen and testosterone.

Too much of the sweet stuff can result in increased inflammation, insulin resistance, irritability, and acne, as well as exhaust existing symptoms of hormonal imbalance.

5. Autoimmune conditions

The link between autoimmune disease and hormone imbalance is a two-way street.

It’s hard to know where one begins and the other ends.

And thyroid disorders like Hasimotos and Graves’ disease often present as hormone imbalances.

6. Tumors and adenomas

Any growth on a hormone-producing gland or organ can easily cause an imbalance.

Pituitary ademonas are often the most common, causing the gland to make either too much or too little of certain hormones.

This includes growth hormone, prolactin, thyroid-stimulating hormone, and Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).

The endocrine system is complex and highly sensitive but not so easily swayed by masturbation.

Because hormonal imbalance can present in a myriad of different ways, the journey to diagnosis can take time.

But at the end of the day, you know your body best.

If you feel out of whack, write down your symptoms and see your doctor as soon as possible.

Does masturbation cause PCOS?

The simple answer here is – no.

PCOS is a medical conditions triggered when your ovaries produce an excess of male sex hormones.

This causes a number of symptoms, including irregular periods, ovarian cysts, acne, and thinning hair.

It also increases the risk of fertility challenges.

We don’t know exactly what causes PCOS, but it might have a link to how your body processes insulin.

It also appears to run in families.

What we do know is that it’s not masturbation that causes PCOS.

If anything, as this early research shows, it may be the opposite – having PCOS may impact your sex life, including how much you masturbate.

If you think you may be struggling with these symptoms, reach out to your doctor.

There are various treatment options for PCOS – and there is help available if you’re TTC.

Does female masturbation cause infertility?

The answer to this one is as simple as the one before – no.

While there’s definitely still more work to be done in this area, studies have shown that there’s no link between orgasm rate and the number of children you have.

There is some research to suggest that female orgasms and ovulation are linked, mainly because they both involve the release of prolactin.

It may have been true for our evolutionary ancestors that orgasm caused ovulation.

But even if that was once the case, that is definitely not how ovulation works in humans today.

Basically, releasing prolactin when you reach the height of pleasure will have no bearing on whether you ovulate.

Know that if you’re TTC, there are a variety of complex factors that go into it, many of which are entirely beyond your control.

Be kind to yourself.

And if you want to find other women going through the same thing, join our community.

You don’t have to go through this alone.

In the meantime, if you need a little stress relief, may we recommend spending the night in? 😉

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