Feeling Cold in Pregnancy: Boy or Girl?

Feeling Cold in Pregnancy: Boy or Girl?

Feeling a chill during pregnancy and wondering if it’s a sign of having a boy or girl?

Let’s unwrap this bundle of old wives’ tales and medical insights to see if feeling cold can really hint at your baby’s sex—or if it’s just another pregnancy quirk.

In this article: 📝

  • So, feeling cold in pregnancy: boy or girl?
  • Craving cold water during pregnancy: boy or girl?
  • Craving cold foods during pregnancy: boy or girl
  • Is it normal to be cold during pregnancy?
  • Why am I always cold while pregnant?
  • What are early signs of having a boy?

So, feeling cold in pregnancy: boy or girl?

The folklore says if you’re feeling cold during pregnancy—specifically, cold feet during pregnancy—it’s a boy!

But is this charming tale rooted in reality, or just a fun guess?

Modern science suggests that feeling cold is more likely linked to physiological changes during pregnancy rather than baby’s biological sex.

Hormonal fluctuations, increased blood volume, and changes in metabolism can all contribute to the pendulum swing between hot and cold.

So, while it’s fun to speculate, these physical sensations are more a reflection of pregnancy’s rollercoaster ride than a reliable predictor for that gender reveal party.

Craving cold water during pregnancy: boy or girl?

Craving ice-cold water? Some say this suggests a boy is on the way.

But studies say the unquenchable need for frosty beverages and ice chips may actually be pointing to low iron levels and a condition called pica.

Cold water is not the most common pregnancy craving associated with a boy (or girl, for that matter).

But feeling extra thirsty most certainly is a commonly experienced symptom of pregnancy. And if you’re frequently feeling toasty internally, it makes sense that your body craves a cool down. 🥵

Bring on the ice ice, baby.

Craving cold foods during pregnancy: boy or girl

If you’re talking cold pizzas and chilled chicken salads, gender predictor lore would say savory suggests a boy.

But a pull toward ice creams, milkshakes, and any other sweet cold treats is more aligned with pregnancy cravings for a girl.

As for cold facts, the urge for cold foods during pregnancy falls once more into the realm of intriguing but unreliable gender predictors.

Just as a preference for ice-cold water is tied to bodily changes and possibly iron levels, a desire for cold foods is more about your body’s needs and less about the baby’s sex.

Is it normal to be cold during pregnancy?

It’s common for pregnant women to run warmer, but feeling cold is an equally valid experience.

During pregnancy, the body undergoes a lot of changes (like a lot): hormones surge, heart rate increases, and blood supply swells.

And all this internal activity does cause the body temperature to rise but for some mamas-to-be, their inner thermostat could venture down south.

Most often than not, feeling chilly isn’t a flag for health issues (for you or your baby)—just like it’s not a concrete sign you’re having a boy (sorry).

It could simply be down to your internal temperature control system being a tad too efficient about keeping your body on the cool side.

Or it could be an underlying (but totally treatable) health condition asking for some TLC.

We’re donning the research hats and delving into some of these possibilities next. 🤓

Why am I always cold while pregnant?

Feeling a little less hot and cold and more like you’re in a constant chill during pregnancy?

Nope, science says it’s still not a boy.

Here’s some of the medical reasons you’ve got frozen feet and a new obsession with hot water bottles:

  1. Lack of sleep: Pregnancy fatigue is oh so real. But those restless nights aren’t just tiring; lack of sleep can mess with your body’s thermostat.
  2. Not eating enough: Your body needs extra fuel during pregnancy, and not feeding it can leave you feeling cold. Some other signs you’re not eating enough include not sleeping well, weak hair and nails, and losing weight. Morning sickness can be tricky, but Peanut Mamas have a few tips that can help.
  3. Iron deficiency (anemia): Low iron levels are a common pregnancy script, and this can lead to you feeling more like an ice sculpture—including cold hands and feet. It’s also why you might find yourself craving a bite of that ice.
  4. Hypothyroidism: A chronically underactive thyroid during pregnancy can slow down your metabolism, causing your body’s internal heater to run low. If you’re noticing other symptoms like facial swelling, dry skin, constipation, tiredness, and total intolerance to cold, it’s important to flag to your doctor. Left untreated, thyroid issues can cause pregnancy complications—and postpartum problems, too.
  5. Low blood pressure: With all the changes happening in your body, low blood pressure can be a side effect, and it’s another reason you might be reaching for that extra jumper. It’s down to more blood being rerouted to your growing baby and generally is not a major cause of concern. If you start experiencing dizziness, blurred vision, and fainting, it’s time to swap the layers for a doctor’s appointment.

Why do I feel cold at night during pregnancy?

Cold nights during pregnancy can be more than just an inconvenience, and the same causes listed above can apply.

Thyroid rollercoasters, increased blood pressure, and iron deficiency can all leave you battling nocturnal chills. 🥶

Add to that morning sickness curbing your calorie intake, and your body just doesn’t have the fuel to keep your body warm.

Your body is working hard, and sometimes that means prioritizing your baby’s needs over keeping you toasty, but always check in with your doctor if the chill feels more persistent or comes with aches, fever, or any signs of flu or infection.

What are early signs of having a boy?

We get it: the wait is unbearable, and the anatomy scan feels like a lifetime away (18 to 22 weeks?!), but signs of having a boy don’t get more concrete than a clear picture and medical affirmation.

Sure, there’s the allure of old wives’ tales like the gender ring test or Chinese Gender Predictor for an early insight.

No denying these do add a sprinkle of fun to the pregnancy journey, but that’s about the most they can offer—the same goes for nub theory, skull theory, and fetal heart rate.

Still, they do provide a unique bonding opportunity with other moms on Peanut, and those conversations are happening daily.

Who knows, you may not get a definitive answer just yet, but you may find your future bump buddy. 🤰

We say, worth it.


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