Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Women's Health.
Does anyone get irritation when grooming your bikini line or pubic hair in general? I like to try to keep it tidy, just short and neat 😂 The pubic bone area is fine but whichever method I use for hair under carriage/groin it just becomes irritated or worse, I get in grown hairs that are obviously uncomfortable and…
I've heard SO many stories about iuds failing. The copper iud is the one I've read that's non hormonal (I really don't do well on the hormonal ones). Right now I'm on the mini pill and it's worked fine but I'm awful at remembering to take it. Before my husband and I got married I wasn't on birth control and we used ...
I was recently prescribed the mini pill Camila, and I am currently breastfeeding. I worked so hard for my supply, I’m so scared the pill will make it go away. Has anyone else had any experiences with breastfeeding and birth control?
I have pcos and every month I ovulate and the cramps are so bad it’s like period pain. Any one have any suggestions or advice on how to ease or stop this? I’m getting tired of living on painkillers when I’m ovulating and on my period
Hello, might be TMI but my partner and I had sex last night and today I went to get emergency contraception because we didn’t use protection and were being silly… the pharmacist in there had a chat with me and asked if I was EBF and I told him I was so he said that that in itself is natural contraception apparently ...
Found out today that my OB is completely booked next week for my 38 week appointment so I had to schedule with a different Dr.. I’m a little nervous as this ob is a male.. words of encouragement or advice would be appreciated as I am also trying to decide if I should do a cervix check
My bf (and my child’s father) doesn’t wanna wear a condom, and I’m afraid of taking birth control bc of the crazy side effects. Any advice on which birth control helps? Or should I just dump him all together? I’m pretty sure I don’t want any more children, but I don’t know if I wanna get my tubes tied just yet. I do...
Hello! I got back my urinalysis and the UTI came back negative but I’m having symptoms. Such as pressure down there, uncomfortable, and urge to push something out 😕 is this maybe due to my body changing and hormonal changes? I wanted to see if anyone else experienced this or if i should go back to the dr to explore…
What have you gone for!? x
is it normal to have to wear a panty liner every single day cos of discharge? At this stage too? I know it’s a thing in late pregnancy but I’m 15w
I’ve had symptoms of a UTI for the past week or so but struggled to get in contact with a doctor. I finally got in contact with one today however they gave me an over the phone appointment and prescribed me antibiotics there and then ?? Surely this isn’t ok and I’d need to do a urine sample ?!
I’m 32, never been on birth control bc of all the crazy side effects. Had my first pregnancy/baby in June. Was wondering which birth control option is best? Causes minimal side effects? I keep reading that they cause weight gain, anxiety, depression, weird feelings, etc. Please advise!
Got prescribed antibiotics this morning for a UTI. I took one at half 9 and can’t take another till half 5. But what on earth am I meant to do for that pain everytime I have a wee? I’m in tears with the pain, the heat is making me uncomfortable & Paracetomal is barely touching the sides😩
Trying to prep for my six-week postpartum appt and have been thinking about birth control. I think I want another baby, however, not for at least another 2-3 years. I’m breastfeeding so want to make sure whatever I decide doesn’t affect my supply. What will you be using or what’s your thoughts?
I’ve got the combined pill but haven’t started taking it yet. The doctor said I could take it straight away even though I haven’t had my first period post birth. Obviously they know best but do you think it would be good to allow my body to have that period first before taking it? Or does it not make any difference ...
I’m currently 5w 4d and I have had cystitis for the last week, the doctor prescribed antibiotics and I’ve taken my last tablet today however it stills stings when I pee and I now have lower back pain which is constant. Has anyone else experienced this and was was the next steps the doctors took? Slightly concerned i...
Hiya ladies I have an appointment to get an abortion on Thursday but I feel awful the sickness and the lot at the moment how soon after I take the first tablet will this go away?
Hello fellow pregnant mummies I’ve just been to the out of hours GP and found out I have a UTI and have been given 7 days of antibiotics. I’ve never had a UTI before but I just knew I was going way more than just the usual reason of being pregnant. Anyway on my way out the Gp mentioned that this can unfortunatel...
Might me over worrying due to anxiety but does this look like chicken pox
Last night my husband & I were caught up in the moment & he didn’t pull out. I’m not on birth control. Well I looked at my period tracker app & yesterday I WAS OVULATING! We don’t want anymore children. Do you think the plan b pill will still work even though I was actually ovulating?