Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Adoption, Fostering & Surrogacy.
I’ve been talking a lot about not wanting people all up in me and my man’s space right after having the baby. I know having a new edition to the family is exciting but I don’t want people in the room while I’m giving birth or after until we are ready to have visitors but every time I bring it up someone thinks they’...
Hey fellow stay at home mamas! My little one is coming up to 9 months and I’m handing my notice in to work at the end of the month so I will soon be a stay at home mama. I’m aware I’m very lucky to be able to do this but I’m also finding I’m a bit worried about a few things. Being a stay at home muma do you worry or...
I hate co parenting I miss my baby so much 😭 anyone else co parenting how do you cope?
I had my 5th transfer today and would love to hear from anyone else who has had a transfer last few days or in the coming days. 🍍 xx
It is not the responsibility of the fertile to provide babies for adoption and it is not the responsibility of the infertile to adopt, even if it was that simple!
Having some spoiled and disrespectful kids. Who don't care about nobody else feelings especially their mom.
I’m a new mom of a 9 month old. It was a struggle to conceive him took about seven years. I’ve noticed that my body is starting to act right. My husband and I are separated but we both want our child to have siblings. ( even if they are from other parents) I struggle with loving anything or someone just as much as I...
I don't trust anyone when it comes to who I want around my child. Rapists, abusers, bullies, sexual perverts, murderers, racists, schools, daycares, the list goes on. Can't even happily expose my child to other children anymore, because who knows what kind of a home they're coming from. There was a group of children...
4 weeks and 4 days today! Our double rainbow after two chemicals 🌈🌈. If anyone has any tips to manage the nerves as we wait to get to 12 weeks please throw them my way 💕
What’s everybody’s thoughts on them? Don’t want this to be a negative post as I see both sides, just curious on the general view about them. Part of me likes them, I love watching content that’s similar to my life, especially with kids the same age. I also think it’s great that mums can end up making it their livin...
Just wondering if there was any mums with 2 under 2 that have a super supportive husband/partner but no family that can help with babysitting etc x just wondering how hard 2 under 2 really is to juggle without the support? Second question: we are considering moving interstate to be closer to family that can help a...
Any of you mamas with a medical card? I’m going to go through the process tomorrow and want to know if it’s as easy as it seems. 🤔
I’m nervous about connecting with my daughter. I’m 33 weeks right now so I still have time. I’m white and her dad is black. I’m worried I won’t be able to relate to her and she’ll prefer her dad to me because “he’ll understand it better”. I don’t know how to teach her about racism and how to protect herself the best...
Anybody else having their transfer in November?
Giving my daughter a kiss every night not knowing if it’ll be the last time as an only child 🥺 I love her so much, where do I find the love for the second child?! Emotional Mumma here, anyone else in the same boat?
Any of you ladies anticipating FET transfer prep for an October transfer? I’m looking for support buddies! 🙏🏻
Hey all, When did you have your intralipids before your FET? How many days before? Was your FET successful?
Anyone else feeling super bummed about their job search? I’m looking for growth in my field and I’ve been applying for months but it never ends in an offer. I’ve been through a couple phone screens, 1st and 2nd in person interviews. I’ve even made my resume better a couple of times since the start. I’m wondering if ...
So my husband and I have always said we wanted a big family with at least 3 kids that were spaced a couple years apart. After having my daughter I’m highly reconsidering that because she has been a handful (she’s a colic baby and can’t be set down without crying) and I honestly couldn’t imagine doing it again, espec...
Hey everyone!! My husband and I have talked about adopting and we both want to get so much more information about it, I have no idea where to start! Help!!