Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Planning for a Baby.
Think I’m about 14dpo
Hello ladies, I’ve been tracking my cycles for 2/3 months and I have never got my peak in any off them so does that mean I haven’t ovulated at all? I’m slightly annoyed as I’ve had ovulation pain on my left side this week and been baby dancing like nearly every day, am I wasting my time?
Asking as my 6 month old is and always has been so much work, I want another child in the future but don't know if I can do this all again🥲
Can anyone recommend where I can get DHEA supplements from in the UK? ☺️
If you took 7 pregnancy tests. And all but two were faint positive. What would you assume? To be honest, I’ve spent probably $300 on tests this month and I kind of refuse to buy more because I’m frustrated. Walmart brand (2 pack) - both positive CVS (2 pack) - both positive Easy@home - positive First response 6 ...
My husband is talking about having another baby. We already have a 5 year old. As much as I am excited, I'm worried about how my body will react after removing my IUD, and how long would it take for me to conceive. Has anyone had an iud removal
Hi, I was wondering if anyone has been through IVF to have a second child following successful IVF for first child? We are so fortunate it worked the first time (third transfer) but have no frozen embryos left, how did people find it the second time if you’ve gone down this route? The process, pregnancy and every...
Now I feel like a fool, and have disappointment..... with my last pregnancy I didn't get a positive until 11dpo. Why do we do this to ourselves!
Hi is this positive or an evap? Will post pics. Thank you x
I think my sister is pregnant looking at the test. What does everyone think? She's in denial that the test could positive. Picture in comments.
Last month had a positive then two negatives the next day, and now took another... Not sure if this is a line. How does everyone else find morrisons tests?
Hey! I need a wee help looking at this, don’t want to get to excited to fast! I accidentally took a LH test thinking it was a pregnancy test and it light up right away. I then used my 2nd pee of the morning for this actual pregnancy test, what do you see? (10 dpo)
I’ve been ttc for nearly a year and nothing. It’s been enough months now that I’ve given up with pregnancy tests as I can just feel I’m not pregnant (before I’m due my period etc). Am I being insane? Did you ‘feel’ pregnant when you tested positive or were you genuinely surprised? I’m hoping someone gets me 😂
My Girlfriend and I are looking for a black/mixed race sperm donor. We’re looking for AI only and no contact. Where do we look for a donation. Just a baby app isn’t useful.
Anyone want to share their ttc journey? Discuss with others? Sending you all baby dust 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Is this a surge? .67
Should I be worried? Im 4+3 weeks
What week and how many days did you get the 2-3 weeks and 3+weeks on the digital test please
Any advice on what to say at family things when people expect to hold the baby? My mother in law always ends up holding him for ages and I'm not ready for that yet and want to grab him back every second 🫣 recovering people pleaser! What can I say to avoid giving him round to people? Thanks!
This first pic is during the 3rd day of my spotting. My “period” came 4 days early , it was very light & was spotting & lasted a few days. I took this test, the one posted in the comments , today. So about a week later. Is it positives ?? It’s way too faint.