
Want to understand your ovulation cycle? From signs to symptoms, Peanut is here for you. Discover expert advice and real stories from real women.

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Apps have different ovulation days

I’ve started temping again in addition to doing easy @ home ovulation strips. The easy @ home app predicts my ovulation to be 2 days before the natural cycles app. TTC is hard enough, adding two days to it is sooo much. And according to one app, we didn’t baby dance on ovulation day but the other we did. I’m so co...


Late ovulation?

Hi all I miscarried in January and had my first period arrive on the 6th Feb. Flo said my prime ovulation day would be the 17th Feb but my partner was away for a week from the 16th. We tried to have intercourse regularly before as sperm can live up to 5 days. I made a promise to him and myself I would follow my ovu...


Peak ovulation but sick

Why oh why! I’m peak ovulation is coming up and I am so sick, my husband won’t even come near me but I don’t want to waste a month of trying 🤣 any tips what do I do to get him to BD 🥲


Can anyone see anything

Hey! Don’t normally post but just needed someone else to see if they can see anything, dont know how my days post ovulation i am, could be as early as 7/8dpo , again i know this is super early and to wait but i have been on my first medicated cycle and the anxiety of not knowing is making me feel worse than i alread...


Ovulation sticks

Can anyone recommend what ovulation sticks to buy? Is it a case of the more expensive the better? Never used them before so any advice and tips would be great! 💗


Am I close to peak?

Hey!! I’ve only just started redoing ovulation tests after getting upset for not ever having a high or a peak, this is the darkest I’ve ever had! What are we thinking?


Is it possible to get a vvfl or a shadow on these tests ?

8 dpo and I feel like my eyes are just playing tricks …cd 24 tho my period is due in 5 days …


Ovulation test showing pregnant

I am aware that different hormones are picked up to detect pregnancy vs ovulation, but in my first pregnancy, the way I found out I was pregnant was by doing an ovulation test and it being very positive. Id never seen a peak ovulation test before, so testing for a few days and seeing positive made me do a pregnancy ...


Can you ovulate without a significant temp rise?

I had ovulation pains CD10-12, ewcm about CD7-12, had a negligible amount of it on CD13 also but no more pain. My bbt hasn’t risen properly yet but also my thermometer has given me several different readings yesterday and today morning, before getting up, talking etc. CM changed yesterday morning to sticky/creamy. I...


Have I ovulated?

Finding ovulation this month extremely confusing. Im currently cycle day 14- according to Flo app and Fertility friends yesterday was ovulation day (27/28 day cycle). We DTD cycle day 11 and 12. I’ve had EWCM since cycle day 12. Normally this lasts for a few days/week but I’ve woken up today to creamy CM. I didn’t ...


Multiples?? 😅

My period is projected to start on Friday making me on cd 27. It’s so dark so I’m scared that it means multiples… I got my first very faint positive at 8dpo


Ovulation confuses me 🤷‍♀️

I got this result on an easy at home test.. I thought it was positive and it was my peak.. I put it in my Premom app and it says low? Then I thought I’ll do a clear blue ovulation test, also came back as low? To me this looks positive? Have I ovulated or is this the start? I’m so confused!? We haven’t been BD becaus...


Spotting during ovulation?

Hi ladies, I’m about 6 weeks post op salpingectomy. I’m pretty sure I’m ovulating I’m experiencing little twinges down below and I’ve had very slight pink spotting when I wipe. I don’t usually experience this I’m just wondering whether it’s due this being the first ovulation post op? Xx


Is this not normal? Not ovulating

My LO is 16 months. I got my first period just after he turned 1. I’ve had 5 cycles since then and they are about 21 days (way shorter than pre pregnancy) and no sign of ovulating. I’m breastfeeding still but barely. One boob in the morning and one at night. It’s enough TTC when it doesn’t happen let alone whe...


Testing Time for LH Surge

I had a miscarriage in January and am trying again but I was wondering when was a good time of day to test for LH surge. I have tested in the morning but found better results in the evening around 5ish. Any suggestions of what has worked for anyone.


Have I ovulated?

My tests have been dark the last 2-3 days have I ovulated yet do you think?

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