Community Posts, Tips & Support on Ovulation

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Ovulation.

ERA Test and Mock FET Cycle

I went through egg retrieval and after PGT testing I have one embryo. This will be my 1st transfer. My doctor recommended the ERA test and a mock cycle to give me a better chance of implantation. For anyone who has gone through this please shed some light. Thanks.


LH peak

Safe to say I’ve reached my LH peak today 🤣 we did the deed yesterday morning. After doing some research it sounds like I will probably ovulate tomorrow so hopefully gives me a good chance. Worth DTD again tonight just incase?



I posted this in another group but I might as well post here. My LH is all sorts of surging literally right after my period. This is my second cycle tracking and I didn’t even surge until cycle day 16 last month. Just wondering if this is normal for this dark of a Line 3/4 days after end of period as well as the hig...


Free Ovulation app

Hi I’m looking to track my periods - can anyone suggest a free app please


When to test ?

So… hubby and I may have got carried away in the moment… so at this present time I’m 9 weeks pp. had my first period on the 10th November. We had our moment on 28th nov. I think it would be unlikely to get pregnant as it took us over 10 years to fall pregnant as I have Pcos. But not sure…. When should I test as woul...


Ovulation to track HCG

Anyone else use ovulation tests to check that the pregnancy is getting stronger? 😅 Wish I could have daily blood tests to track hcg 🥲 Currently pregnant at 19 DPO 🤍


Cervical checks

Did having a cervical check make you feel more reassured or disappointed in your progress? 39+5 today and just debating whether or not to get one done. Don’t want to be disappointed if I’m not dilated at all but still curious.


TTC - kits

This is my first time using ovulation kits. I feel as though I’m ovulating (discharge, one sided pain and increase in libido) but this is low? Could I have just missed it or is it coming? My cycle is between 33-47 days in length so I ovulate later than most hence CD19.


What is the best day to dtd?

I keep seeing different information the more I read up on it. Some say it’s 2 days before, some say 1 (or day of LH peak), some say ovulation or even the day after that. If someone could share their experience or advice on that, it would be very helpful x


What are my chances?

8DPO today. 2 days ago I had some cramping and ever since I’ve had dull headaches coming and going, twinges in my breasts and spouts of lower back pain. Does this seem like a good sign? BBT rose after ovulation, has stayed high but isn’t continuing to rise. Has been at the same temp the last 3 mornings. Hoping...


Triggered too early?

Hello, just wondering if anyone has any experience or thoughts on this. I was asked to trigger on Saturday evening, although on Friday noon my largest follicle was 15mm, not quite near 18mm yet. My lining thickness was already 7.1mm that day. I am just concerned if I had been asked to trigger too early? I asked th...


If you're pregnant, do you always show peak on an ovulation stick?

I dont know if its worth trying a pregnancy test. I haven't done one since 10dpo


I have a question

So my period it now 2 days late and I don’t plan on getting pregnant anytime soon and I’m on the pill but why is my ovulation test coming back as peak your can’t ovulate on the pill right or do I have that wrong I really don’t know


Ovulation app

Please can you recommend an ovulation app for iPhone?



Can you see another line does this mean I am starting to ovulate now


Possibly pregnant?

So I’ve seen a few times on here that some ladies got a positive ovulation test when they were pregnant, so I’ve been testing the theory during my TWW to stop me from spending a fortune on pregnancy tests 😅 do you think this could be a possible positive? I’m 9DPO and refusing to test coz I know it’s too early, so…


No ovulation ❓

Since having two pregnancies and two c-sections I have been trying for another baby for almost a year now. I have tracked ovulation for a few months now and I have never got a positive ovulation result.. what could be the issue? I get regular periods but if read up on it and this doesn’t mean you ovulate?


Positive ovulation or false positive?

I had a D&C for a missed miscarriage 2 weeks ago. My natural cycles app thinks I’m ovulating in a few days based on old data and temp. So did a test a pregnancy test and ovulation test. The pregnancy test has a very very faint line but ovulation test very positive. Do you think the ovulation test is a false positive...


Not ovulating?

Morning, we were very lucky to conceive our first child first month trying. This time we aren’t as lucky. My periods are all over the place and I don’t seem to be ovulating. Has anyone got any tips to help with ovulation? We have got another doctors appointment coming up but they said there wasn’t anything they co...


Early Testing 🤰🏻

What’s the earliest you’ve picked up HCG in urine? I think I found a few days before my period last time and use the premom multipacks Just impatient in the two week wait. I’m only 5DPO so wouldn’t have even implanted yet 😂🤣🤞✨


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