Community Posts, Tips & Support on Ovulation

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Ovulation.


What is the chance of conception when you have lots of BD during fertile window and on ovulation days? I got my static smiley! I don’t want to get my hopes up but the basic science of it would surely indicate a pregnancy this month? Second month fully trying but first month tracking ovulation.


Could there be a chance?

7 DPO and BD the day of/day after ovulation but no other time. What are my chances?



I had sex yesterday evening. Ovulation positive this morning at 11.30am. What are my chances? Thanks 😊 It's never been this dark previously. It's surprised me at how postive it is. I'm cd17 and due on my period on the 14-16th of September.


Evap or positive?

Supposedly ovulated 12-14 days ago, using letrozole as I have pcos and don’t ovulate usually. Took a test this morning (not FMU) but then had a work call and didn’t read result in the 5 mins window. This was 20 mins later, but not sure when the second line appeared. I know I need to do another test to be sure, but ...


1st pregnancy (my 3yr old is adopted)

I just ovulated on the 25-26th so I can only be 6dpo. Isn't this line way too dark for 6dpo?? I'm also spotting, so implantation bleeding had to have just occurred, right?? I'm so worried it is going to be ectopic. I have pcos and I can't even call my ob to make a doctors appointment until Tuesday.


Ovulation test advice?

Hi all, with my first one was very easy to conceive, I know my cycle and got him at first try. I'm looking for a second but I've been find it very difficult. Don't know if it's because I'm not fertile anymore? My partner? I can tell I'm ovulating because I've always had heavy discharge during that days but was think...


LH rise after ovulation

Hi girls 💜 Sorry if this is a silly question ( fairly new to TTC ) been using these for a few months now and I had my rise & peak 3 days ago so according to app I’m 2DPO .. my tests went down like they normally do but today as you can see I’m very strong again 🙈 I’m a little confused? Can this happen sometimes? Il…


Am I ovulating again??

Hi, I got a peak on 19th August which would’ve been cd14 for me (pic in comments), I’ve been patiently waiting for my period to come but nothing. My cycles are usually 25-26days long. So I thought I’d just check my lh out of habit and it’s come up like this Am I ovulating again?? I literally do not want any anythin...


CD 17 on a 26/27 day cycle.. missed ov?

Have I missed ovulation? I'm testing like a mad head because I should be ovulating now and I think it was an early ovulation!!


Late ovulation

Looking for some positive affirmations here🤣 I usually ovulate around 18-21 and this month I peaked on cd 20. Has anyone gotten pregnant with an ovulation around this time frame?? 💗


Clearblue ovulations Tests - No flashing smiley

Hi, for the past few months I have been using the clearblue ovulation tests, the one that gives you 4 days, however I never get the flashing smiley, I go from solid circle straight to static smiley. I’m just concerned to why the flashing isn’t showing first? Has anyone experienced similar?


Ovulation or??

I posted yesterday here asking if I am ovulating but my tests are still positive now for the second day in a row is this normal? Today my period is 83 days late. I used another ovulation test just to confirm. I’ll post the results from yesterday in the comments for reference.


Have I missed my peak?

My premom and flo app tells me I'm due on my period on Sept 10th.. I've been having 25-28 day cycles.. so currently on cd15. Flo tells me I've ovulated 3 days ago, premom tells me its tomorrow but my LH tests have dropped down to 0.09 now and were darker a couple days ago.. Would you say I've ovulated already? Or ...



Do You ovulate After Your Period Goes Off Or Before it comes on


First day of cycle FET advice pls

Planning fet next month- advised by clinic to call first day of period… I can often have a bit of spotting just before actual proper flow starts for a day or two, does this count or is it first day of actual flow? Has anyone asked this question before ?



I am coming up to last day of clomid (first cycle) maybe silly question but when shall I start tracking my ovulation? X


Ovulation after chemical

Hi, Those of you who have had chemical pregnancy before and have been tracking ovulation, how soon after your loss have you ovulated?


First time tracking ovulation

It’s my first month tracking ovulation after having a pretty irregular period last month (was 9 days late) got a blood test to check hormones and they all came back perfect. I’m not sure if I’m actually ovulating as I never really hit a peak. What do you guys think? Kinda new to tracking. Today I’m having some ovula...


Have i missed peak ovulation?😢

This is my first month of using ovulation strips and our 4th month trying to conceive baby no2. Do you think I've missed peak here?



It’s so confusing because based on my conception date I’m 6w2d but based on first day of my last cycle I’m 5w4d. 4 days is a lot in your early weeks. So I took a sneak peek test and now I’m not sure if the results are correct because if I was too early then I’m thinking it could be wrong


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