Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.
I took an easy@home test yesterday with pretty diluted urine and saw the faintest line and honestly thought I was imagining it. But I also had a feeling maybe it was something based off of inverting the photo, and bought a FRER. I tested day 26, period due day 27(which is today), and it says I’m 3 weeks 5 days toda...
Is this an early positive or am I being too hopeful?
Does this mean early positive? Don’t want to be too hopeful.
I know I shouldn’t but I tested this morning and it’s negative. Am I out 😭. With my first I got my first faint positive 5 days after
I had my daughter in July last year. I’m late for my period but feel like I have period like symptoms. So I done a pregnancy test yesterday, the top one I done first, and the second one I done a few hours after ( I know I should have waited but I’m just really anxious🥺). What should I do, I’m going to buy another…
Very much negative and also had a drop in BBT but my period isn’t due for another week 😭
All taken today FMU then last one is later in the day. I brushed it off as an evap but 3 tests in coming up straight away is this an early positive?
I know my body. I can feel my period will come in 7 days' time. It will be hard as I dearly meant to fall pregnant. How do I cope?
What do you think? Positive ??
More pics in the comments
I’ve took a pregnancy test this morning, I’ll be due on my period in 4 days, is it me or does this look positive? This will be the next pregnancy from miscarriage in July 😔
Is it just my dodgy eyes or does anyone else see a very faint positive line? My period was due today but me being incredibly impatient wanted to take a test as soon as possible. I'm freaking out a little bit because I wasn't planning on having another so soon after my daughter, who was 6 months on 1st April! I think...
So I've been testing positive for a few says with faint lines that have been slowly getting darker. However when I went to the toilet before bed I noticed brownish blood on the toilet paper. I've done another test (bottom one in the picture) and the line is still there. I also have cramps. I'm worried that it's very...
So I am potentially pregnant had positive tests for the last few days but only with small faint line. I've just gone to the toilet now and had a small amount of blood when I wiped. What should I do?
I had my period June 21st Had sex June 28th Missed my period July 21st Was not pregnant-neg test Missed period August 21st Took test-positive, I am due April 27 It’s like I missed a period early but wasn’t pregnant. Sep 4th they said I was 6 weeks pregnant via ultrasound. Could I be pregnant from the sex that w...
is it time to have sex today or should it be darker?
Took a test last night and one this morning. I’m going to buy some red dye tests but please can anyone share their thoughts if these look positive?
Thought I was just starting my period no symptoms just spotting so I took pregnancy test because I’m two days late and I was surprised but it’s clearly positive!
Seen so many posts about false positives and evap lines I’m now feeling super anxious. Due to start my period today but no sign of it yet! Do these look like a definite positive?
So im 12dpo and period is due in 3 days according to my app. I tested with a digital at 10 dpo and thought i was out this cycle because it was negative and I started spotting small amounts last few days. But tonight (with the smallest amount of the most diluted urine) I decided to do a stick test… am i wrong? I see ...