Genital warts can look like flat lesions, small bumps that resemble cauliflower, or tiny stem-like protrusions. They can be skin-colored or whitish-gray, and are usually not painful. However, they can sometimes cause mild bleeding, burning, discomfort, itching, or irritation. Regular warts are rough and raised, and often appear on the hands, fingers, or knees.
He could have it from his mouth, or someone else's 🙄
You also have to remember that they can appear whenever too it can lie dormant and something can trigger it off. He could have had them years ago. My oldest baby dad had them and got them removed in 2010 in 2014 I was pregnant and found out I had them. He was still clear and had been my only partner for a year and I know for a fact he was clear because when I found out I had them I checked him personally 😂
The herpes virus that causes cold sores can be transferred to the genitals. It is not the same strain of herpes that causes genital warts, but the sores will appear in the genitals. I know this because a family friend was given HSV-1 to her lady bits from a guy. I also have HSV-1 and am very cautious even kissing my husband when I have a cold sore.
The virus would have to come into contact with his penis. It’s something he could or had for a long time and it’s only just come out as it can lie dormant some people have it and never produce warts at all xx
@Kelli Herpes simplex virus (HSV) and genital warts (a specific strain of *HPV*) are two entirely different STIs.
@Sophie I second this. It does not mean they cheated! They may have never known they had it and or it can stay dormant for many many years. Some doctors believe that it can even sometimes go away completely.
So, genital warts are different from normal warts and cannot be transferred like that. Genital warts can also be caused by HPV (in men and women) Yes, all warts are contagious