Babies can flip at any point and even DURING labor, I definitely wouldn’t worry yet! And breech doesn’t always mean you need a C-section anyways, just an experienced doctor
Same. My OB told me she’s not worried and that if it’s still the case at my 36 week check up she’ll give me some tips
It's still too early for them to be settled into position! So no worries!
I know so many mama's that had breech babies up until 37/39 weeks. Alot of people joke, it's like the baby knows
I’m 32 and baby is in breech position but doctor told me it’s nothing to be worried about. The baby will still Move around a lot until it settles down around 36 weeks. Then it should def be head down and if not then that’s a concern ..
My baby was breech until 32 weeks and she flipped and is still head down
It’s still early! But you can look up Spinning Babies and they have exercises to do to help baby get in the best position.
My baby was head down last week but butt down today. They flip a lot and will stay head down closer to your due date