We do a small amount of screen time when changing a poo-y nappy (literally only way to keep him still) and then sometimes an episode or two of something at the end of the day if he’s getting super grumpy and I need to get something done/have a tiny bit of peace…! My little one loves Something Special on iPlayer and has learnt some makaton from there which I hope has been education for him as well as giving me some peace 😂
My girl is clapping, waving and starting to talk. We hav cbeebies on all day in the back ground, there's loads of educational stuff on the shows, number blocks, alphablocks, colour blocks, Mr.tumble does sign language. She waves at the telly when the shows go off. We play all day and she loves books. I also play nursery rhymes on Alexa, think she learnt to clap doing wind the bobbin up x
We do no screen / tv time. My husband will occasionally have the football of F1 on at the weekend when she is in the room. But no kids shows etc. she is really good at communicating, she says loads of words, waves, claps etc. sometimes I just think it’s the baby and what they pick up. I’ve got a few mum friends and all the babies are doing different things at different times. I would say nearly all of them do some form or screen time and I wouldn’t really say it makes much difference either way at this age.
We have the tv on more than I wished but my mum is looking after the baby and she can’t sit on the floor to play with her so the tv is a way to entertain her without having to follow her everywhere. When my mum goes I am hoping my husband will take the baby out on the days he looks after her but I have seen him relying on the tv as well. She will go to nursery 2 days, 2 with dad at home and one with me. I will be taking her to a play group. I think my baby learned a lot from singing at play groups and our interactions when she was little, now I am sure she will learn from tv shows for her age, what I don’t like is that she takes the control, she already knows what it is and she is hypnotised by the adverts.
My son had no screens before 2. He did not clap, wave or talk. My daughter has seen screens because her brother watches them. She clapped, waved and spoke very early. My experience tells me it depends on the baby. Some will do all these things early, some will take their sweet time. If I was in your shoes I would just keep limiting as much as you feel is right and hold tight because chances are one day you'll turn around and he'll be a little one man band clapping, waving and talking all at the same time
We've found miss Rachel great for development because my daughter will repeat words and actions back to her, she'll sing, clap, put her hands on her head etc. We do screen time when I need to clean so il put her in her high chair with a snack and miss Rachel to do the washing up for example but that's the only time she really watches it. It's often on for background noise but she prefers to play
My tv is always on some kind of kid programme or music video while he plays
My little one will watch tv- not all the time but like you if I need a break or have to do something we use it- will spend rest of time reading, singing and playing. She mainly watches miss rachel and she has picked up so many of the songs- actions that go with them etc from it, she will watch the wriggles and songs are similar other than that she wouldn’t watch anything else even if I have tried bluey or cartoons etc. I think everything is fine in moderation and equally you have to survive so if some days it’s used more than others just to get through the day it has to be done x