Does he need them on? Could you not just be in the water with him? We’ve never used them for any of our children, my husband used to be a life guard and is an excellent swimmer so one of us has always just been in the water with them and we’ve taught them to swim!
He’s never had swimming lessons- something that’s on the agenda for when we get back. He will go in the deep pool with his dad but I’m not a good swimmer and would prefer him to wear them when I’m in the pool with him. I was hoping seeing the other children wear them he would. I even let him pick the swim vest and it’s been a waste of £20 so far 😅🙈 will have to try again tomorrow
Has he worn them before? Is any of the plastic digging into his skin? Has he previously had something different for swimming? Can you maybe throw them in the water and show him how they float and explain what they do and how they work etc? If there’s nothing physical that’s an issue I would approach it the same way you would if he was freaking out about anything else safety related (seatbelt, holding hands to cross the road etc). It might mean you end up not swimming unfortunately but it is what it is when it comes to toddlers freaking out 😫