@Radvile sorry not sure if I missing something but can’t see where you said you use Flo or ov tests.
Took me 9 cycles baby number two even though and not breastfeed I would begin taking ovulation sticks to pinpoint your ovulation that will help you work out when your fertile period is as it might or changed. I also took pro conceive tablets the month I fell pregnant and their on Amazon
Symtoms or PCOS I get are: - irregular periods - I have excessive hair growth on my face (as I have to wax it) but I don't get it on my back chest ect? - thinning hair on my head - acne - and struggle so much with my weight even tho I'm literally in the gym every other day if not every day.... 😩 I've used flo app for a long time, I'll input a picture of my cycles below. I've just started buying ovulation tests but I've not had a period since I've bought them so do you recommend testing once my period comes (if it comes) 🥹 I will buy some tablets to try and help me conceive. So will to doctors be unable to do anything other than what you guys have told me if I make them aware?
Periods are not sign of ovulation has occurred especially in women with PCOS. I would begin test LH everyday for a whole cycle to see what’s actually happening x If you tell dr your trying to convince but not having periods they can give you tablets like metformin which can help induce regular cycles and periods It’s always worth contacting them for some tests and also see if they can give you something to help you get regular cycles ( other than birth control )
If I didn't have PCOS could I just have irregular periods
Thankyou for this! It's very helpful xxx
I think I got lucky with my first child, we weren't even trying and fell pregnant instantly when we weren't careful and that was nearly 4 years ago so trying to get my head around tracking and testing ect it's all new to me xx
APppintment today at the docs - I also read somewhere that there is no point using ovulation tests if you have PCOS as it can mess it up and give false readings x
This isn’t true 🙈🙈
Acne doesn’t have too much to do with PCOS. That’s just hormones. Pcos does cause excessive hair growth, irregular periods etc. I’ve just been diagnosed with it. My cycles can be anything from 21/40 days as well. What I would advice is ovulation tests and using a tracking app such as flo etc xxxx