@Kassidi thank you 🥰🥹 i swear I'm trying
You could always see how you’re doing on the current medication after your hormones start to change following birth. The reason I say that is because I have been on multiple different medications and then had to stop them for various reasons like lack of insurance and then when I tried them again later on, they didn’t work for me at all. So that may be something to speak with your provider about before going straight to the other medication. Just food for thought so that you can at least try to be able to breastfeed or pump.
Taking care of your mental health is so damn important, and I hope you feel really proud of yourself for addressing it now before baby comes & that you have a plan for after baby. In the meantime, and however often as needed, take the time to grieve what you thought could have been your breastfeeding journey. Please know that you are absolutely NOT failing your baby. You’re doing great.
@Kassidi God, thank you. I was formula fed (was born at 26w so my mom's milk just never came in fully) but I just... it took forever for me to come around to the idea of it. Originally all I heard was "oh my god you don't want to BF? But it's so much better for baby!" And now it's "you need to formula feed to keep yourself mentally well, forget breast feeding it isn't that important" and it's like i genuinely can't win. I just wish family would PICK A SIDE. Because right now it just feels like I'm useless. I've got these DDDs for something, I wanna put them to use, geez.