We use Kendamil comfort when little one struggles and it’s the same consistency as the normal kendimil I find so it’s not too thick for her so the change is smooth. Xx
I use aptamil anti reflux , number 2 tommee tippee anti reflux teets, I bottle the kettle , fill up to 4 , add scoops give a shake , put in a jug to cool. She’s also on omeprazole, works well together x
@Chloe @Lexi my baby would literally be screaming the house down after waiting 30 mins for the kettle 😩 How do you time this right? Especially during the night feeds ?
@Leanne I've looked at the comfort milks - I didn't think they'd work but might do a bit of exploring online. Thank you
My baby has reflux aswell we are using kendmil comfort but she still suffers from reflux but appears more comfortable on this milk. Just curious how you find night times? Every time we put her down to sleep she is sick so end up spending a lot of the time letting her sleep on us meaning we don’t get chance to sleep.
I used Novalac Reflux and it worked like a charm - just went 1 size up. Hope you find something that works for you and your little one x
@Kadie it’s worked a treat for us. I’ve also found making sure she burps after 30/40 ml works too and has prevented the sick and uncomfortableness xx
I use a flask of boiling water at night time so the waters already been sat there and it stays hot so just pour straight in the bottle and start making as soon as he starts stiring! When he was feeding every 3 hours I could go down after the second feed and top up with more boiling water. Now he only has one feed in the night so abit easier x
@Hope I've never heard of this brand. I'll have a look 🙂
@emily that sounds so tough, I'm sorry 😞 My baby is often a little bit sick on his back throughout the night but not huge amounts. He'll stay in his next to me crib *most of the time*.
@Kadie I’m in Aus but it’s a French brand (Made in 🇫🇷), so hopefully you can source in the UK. I used reflux in the day and the night time one before bedtime to stretch out the night sleep. Both are amazing! (Meant to say “1 size up for the teat”) Good luck darling x
I use aptamil anti reflux. I boil the kettle and leave to settle for 30 mins, add the powder and mix with a spoon and then swirl rather than shake as I found it really bubbles otherwise and leave for 5 mins and it’s actually not too thick! I use mam bottles size 2 teats and my little ones seems to cope quite well! It’s so hard but the milk does make a difference! My LO has silent reflux so he’s not actually sick but has the acid come back up into his throat instead!