Hey, I feel you. I am pregnant, don’t have a baby yet, but I have lived away from my hometown for a long time. I have also moved several times between towns and countries, so I have made few strong connections, that are scattered in the places where I’ve been. I feel what you say because it’s so hard to make real connections with people and it takes so much time. Every time something changes in life, whether it’s moving city or having a baby.. our needs and views change, but the need for connection often stays. I’d say take your time.. look around and see how else you can connect with. Are there any baby groups or baby classes (at the pool for instance?) you could join? Also, where do you live? If u wanna chat more I’d love to ☺️
Regarding the risk of depression, do you have any professional support? I personally continue being supported by my therapist and I increased the frequency we meet as I also suffered with depression in the past. Mood swings during pregnancy are taking over sometimes and I am apprehensive about how hormones will affect my mood after birth. Do reach out if u can.. we’re not alone even if it feels like it some time ❤️
Yes, where are you based? You're not alone, as others have said. Would love to meet up if you're nearby, I'm due Feb with my first x
Hey, sorry you're going through this. I can relate, I myself only had a few friends and my baby is nearly 5 months old and I haven't seen them once. I get people move on with their lives and got to do their own things but it can be a very lonely time. I've realised I've got to go out and make new friends. I've started going to one playgroup a week and now I'm going to three a week. Talking and meeting parents going through the similar life stage as you can help you connect. Taking the first step is hard I'm a very introverted person but the more you do it the more confidence you gain. If you ever want to chat pop me a message. It can be lonely, but you're never on your own.
I was the first in my mom group too and I lot of my friendships changed, we began to live very different lives.. and then there were some friendships that diminished completely. If you feel depressed at all you definitely want to address that first with your dr. Even your obgyn can help! Just call them up and tell them how you’re feeling, hormones are crazy up to a yr after giving birth. Then, get on google or Facebook and see if you can find some local mom groups in your area. You need ppl around you that get where you are in life and that can support your through.
They don't know what they don't know until they're in the same situation. They of course want to see you and the baby. Your baby is an extension of you and they want to celebrate that with you. Pushing yourself away from those friends that you do have at this moment isn't what is best for you. Seek help from a trained therapist who specializes in postpartum care. It suck's being the first but you find your mom circle soon enough. Just put yourself out there and willing to be vulnerable. You got this!
I sort of feel like you . Your not alone girl . Feel free to message me . I am due in November with my 1st & wondering how the heck I will meet new friends …in this new town I live in . If you feel depressed seek out therapy . It will be helpful. Some friends just don’t understand what it’s like becoming a mom to be …if they aren’t a mom or prego.
Thanks everyone, I am looking into going to local playgroups/mom meetups. It will be difficult being an introvert but definitely needed for keeping my sanity lol. With winter coming soon, I’m sure everyone’s feeling anxious.
Hey! Where are you based at? Would love to be friends!! Sorry the world is not as inclusive and kind to moms :(