i spoke to my doctor recently because my boy has never had a poo that isn’t just pure liquid. he said if there’s colour to the poo and it still smells like poo, it’s fine. if it’s a beigey colour or barely smells then it’s something to worry about (if they’re fine in themselves)
but also how old is he?
@Julia his gonna be 3 month on the 30th and he seems alright happy and smiling and he sometimes is abit fussy with feeding but I think that because his going through a fussy stage but his drinking his milk fine.
@Julia and his doing plenty of wees so his just seems to be having really runny poos and fart at the same time
@Jami his nearly 3 months and it’s a yellow colour like normal poo that his normal does and it smells like poo it’s just really runny.
Has he got any other symptoms like mucus in his poo? Could be worth speaking with a doctor x
i think he’ll be fine, if you’re worried ask your health visitor but my doctor said that it’s fine
@Julia no not that Iv noticed luckily he normal poos when I change him so I’m basically watching him poo most of the time and I don’t think Iv seen any.
@Jami ok thank you and his getting weighted on Tuesday so might just ask when I’m there is they have any opinions.
How old is baby? And how is he in himself overall? Is he still playing? Happy? Eating well? Not dehydrated?x