BF babies can go up to a week without an issue. There’s just not a lot of waste in breast milk to get rid of. She might have gas? Maybe ask the doctor about trying gas drops when she’s fussy?
My baby was born at 39 weeks and I pump/breastfeed her and I noticed she has the same problem with 💩 she doesn’t go for 2-3 days (but is gassy) I was getting worried too cause I noticed she gets fussy and in pain I was also told it’s normal especially for their age but you can try using the Frida baby windi
@Favi she is SUPER gassy, we give her gripe water a couple of times a day to try and help but doesn’t seem to have a problem passing the gas
She might be hungry. That is probably why they are fussy. It's normal for BF babies to go days without a bowel movement.
I saw somewhere at a certain point they stop pooping regularly because they’re learning to bear down themselves instead of the involuntary reflex. I’m not a doctor though so you should talk to your pediatrician check out the caption
My EBF baby was the same way and she was also extremely gassy and lost almost the entire expected 10%. Her pediatrician had recommended I pump before and after each time I nursed her Bottle fed and nursed her in case she wasn’t drinking enough and 2wks later she’s now having regular poops and gaining past her birth weight Will be 1 month old on Thursday She falls asleep while nursing about 10mins then I pump until empty when she sleep so once she’s ready to eat she’s given 2oz but now she eating inbetween 2.5oz & 3oz depending on how she feeling
My first was born 3 weeks early and had no issue pooping lol but I'm pretty sure she had a milk allergy, what about gas? She was super fussy cuz she was gassy