@Sharon thank you! I really don’t feel it! My husband works 10 hours a day and sometimes on weekends too And on the weekends I’m so exhausted and just grateful to have help! How do you manage your self care?
I’m sure that you look amazing even if you don’t feel it and that all of the other mothers at the groups are feeling bad about themselves and are actually thinking you look great. Xx
@Is bless you! Wish that were true! My baby always looks fab and is ahead of the game!
Sending you all the love, you'll get back to loving yourself soon but you've been through something huge so i think it's understandable to have a lot of feeling about the changes to your body/life. I wish I had an answer for you ✨ Id suggest speaking to your partner because even though you say he's doing 10 hour days at work, you're not exactly resting that whole time are you! You're just as entitled to some time to relax and look after yourself as he is because you're both working all day long! Also my BO is so bad and I was recommended michum antiperspirant, and it's been massively helpful for me! Idk if you're breastfeeding but that apparently increases your BO so baby can smell you better so that could be why! You're not alone in feeling like this but it could also be helpful to speak to a professional if you're feeling so down!
Do something for yourself once a day whilst baby naps or is in bouncer ☺️. I understand as I feel old and thrumpy, hate the way I look and my clothes also x
@anon that’s she’s doing her best as a mum
@Hannah thank you that’s interesting about the bo as I am still doing 2 breast feeds a day Would you be able to share the link to the deodrant please? Thank you
@Rachael thank you Most days I don’t even have a chance to eat more than 1 meal - so when he’s in the bouncer it’s shower / dressing / some food if I’m lucky! Do you manage much self care?
@anon thank you I was at breaking point today and so I found a gym and signed up and swam and spent time in the spa The whole thing was 2 hours but I feel like a new person! Crazy what 2 hours of alone time can do
Not anywhere near as much as I would like. I usually shower when she has gone to bed unless my partner is around. When she is on her play mat or bouncer or napping, I'll sort food, make up If going out or whatever I want to do. I just put her in next to me whilst I change quickly. I probably could do more self care but I need sleep more so I tend to go to bed quite early at the moment as getting up 3-6 times
@Rachael that’s good that you’re going to bed early - that’s great self care there!
You are a beautiful mama! You just need some me time to do one thing for yourself at a time! Is it possible to ask someone to look after your lo at a time while you have some self care? Virtual big hugs xx