I tend to fall into funk state once in a while. What helps me is watching deep documentaries about life hardship to give me a reality check to remind myself how many amazing things and people I have in my life. Also travel and trips planning/booking usually gives me a mood boost. Being outside, walk on a trail, soaking up the sun is always a good go too.
Get to a nice field or garden and take a notepad with you. Write down things that make you happy. Things that don't. Things you want to change. The type of person you want to be. Steps you think you need to take to get there. Do it all on separate pages. Have a think. Clear your mind. Go home and eat something healthy. & repeat. Starting fresh pages each time you do it. Put some kind of attainable plan in place. Walk around the block once every day. Smack that for a week & then add another one maybe. That helped me. I stuck pages to the wall of places I knew I was bound to see often. It weirdly worked really well for me. I'd often find myself sitting on the sofa and instead of watching TV I'd be looking over at what was written on the wall. It was often enough to change my whole mood/outlook. No I'm not going to have a glass of wine and mong out, I'm going to get a long shower, shave my legs and then paint my nails. (Then... Maybe have a glass of wine as I feel good 😉). Small achievable, attainable steps 🫂
I try to go outside for even 20-30mins by myself for a nice peaceful walk to settle myself, or go out to buy a fancy coffee and remember that my child will only be this little once. I am more of a homebody to begin with though so I’m usually ok just need the occasional child free break to remember I am a whole human being not just somebody’s mother. Though I do enjoy my LO immensely.
I have recently arranged time to myself. And that makes it all better. It’s so hard getting an hour or two to yourself but man it’s sooooo good!! My pre baby life was so different to this one and I do miss it a lot, just remind myself to feel grateful to have experienced such a great pre baby life and time to build a great mama life. A massage, bath, wine, walk on your own is really special. Just needs some organising 😂
And as you know… you will be fine! Just need to get through the lows. We all experience them. You are totally not alone 🥰
Find a passion. Read some books. Get exercise in. It will change your mood in no time