I use a copper coil (IUD) and its brilliant
Pre pregnancy I was on the Mirena (hormonal) coil. I loved it as I had extremely heavy and painful periods before, which went away completely while I had the coil. I didn't want the non hormonal copper coil as I know it can sometimes make periods heavier which was the opposite of what I needed. The Mirena coil was literally life changing for me to be free of period pain. I also liked that it lasted 5 years so I didn't need to think about it. Plus my fertility went immediately to normal when I had it removed and it only took 2 months to conceive. The one negative was how painful it was to be put in!! However I have heard that it is much less painful after having a baby.
I'd recommend the Mirena coil as well. I tried the implant, the mood swings I had were awful! Like you, I was on the pill and would have to set alarms to take it plus when I worked nights, the change in sleep patterns made my period really irregular and irratic.. I went on the coil a year after getting married (June 2022) as I wanted something permanent until we were ready to conceive and loved it! No mood swings, my MH improved a lot, lost a lot of the weight I put on on the pill (no hormonal munchies) and I got very light breakthrough bleeding for 5 days once every 3-6 months. I had it removed 11th December 2023 to start trying for a baby and was told it could take anywhere from 6 months to a year for my fertility to return to my normal, and I got a positive test on January 14th 2024. Once I get the all clear at my 6 week check up and my episiotomy has healed, I'll be getting another fitted.
I used depo for years and loved it- stopped my periods and like you said didn’t have to remember a tablet every day- it can take a year for your periods to return after stopping though so planning required if you’re going to try get pregnant again in the future. I switched to Evra patches when I knew we were thinking of trying soon. It’s like a nicotine patch that you change once a week and found that great x
I used the implant between my 2 children and found it worked pretty well for me. The only downside is you can have random break through bleeding on it. But other than that I found it worked as I didn't have to remember to take anything and didn't need an appointment every x amount of time for a shot or anything x