Is there a certain time frame for ppd cause my child is almost 2.
I was literally wondering the same thing
It can come and go but I try to do what I can and if I feel like I got something done that day I feel good that day just take one day at a time it will get better
Postpartum can last up to the first 5 years some say. I’ve found with both my kids, I was feeling exactly as you described for the first 2-3 years. Especially with my first and how much it altered my life and perspective of life, becoming a mom, etc. My second just turned 3 and I’m just now feeling like I can peek my head out from under the covers of life. I think our society puts so much pressure on us to “perform” and be productive that if we’re not performing (completing tasks, todo lists, being productive, etc) we think something is wrong with us. Birthing and taking care of a tiny human IS all consuming and has nothing to do with productivity and that’s ok. This time around with my second, I felt more comfortable with my lack of productivity and tried to stay in the moment as much as possible. With that said, PPD is no joke and should definitely be talked about with a doctor or therapist. Therapy and groups with other moms really helped me!
I felt like that and sometimes still do you might want to talk to your doctor about postpartum depression that what I had for a few months