@Meli ah knowing I’m not alone is reassuring! It’s so annoying that nothing I google seems to mention this feeling which is not helping my anxiety. I’m hoping we’re just expecting too much of our bodies too soon and by 6 weeks or so it’ll start to be resemble things pre birth 🙏🏼
I felt like there was a rugby ball hanging there after birth! It improved fairly quickly tho, I'm 4 weeks PP now and mostly back to normal, although my pelvic floor muscles feel more "stretchy" when I do my exercises ( I did LOADS of prep for birth exercises and yoga and pelvic floor exercises for my whole pregnancy tho)
Have you started doing any exercises since birth? You can self refer to physio at your hospital and they'll help you too, I was going when pregnant and they gave me postnatal exercises to do x
It takes time but does improve. You’ll be able to get everything checked or discuss it all when you have your check with the doctor at 6-8 weeks x
Glad it's not just me. Do you find you only feel it at random times?
So I’ve been doing some research and I’m pretty confident what I’m seeing/feeling is a prolapse 😭I’m 3 weeks pp so have booked in to see the gp tomorrow because it’s causing me so much anxiety, I can’t wait another 5 weeks to know if it’s normal or not. The fact no one has said what I’m seeing is to be expected after birth has made me worry even more. It doesn’t seem to be getting any better either. When I look down there there’s like a big ball in my vagina which cannot be right. It’s causing me so much discomfort I can’t stop thinking about it
3 weeks pp and I still feel like this 😩😩😩