My baby and I were put on antibiotics due to this infection , myself only for a days dose but my little girl had an intense 5 day course which was a total nightmare as she was super unsettled with it! The hospital where I gave birth had more or less stated if my little girl had been taken out sooner it could have been prevented as my waters broke but contractions didn’t start, didn’t give birth until 48 hours later and was very nearly an emergency c section however thankfully managed to escape with a c section being awake to see my little girl straight away.
@Jayne very similar with me the heart rate thing I don’t know why they play it down! Are you and baby okay now x
@Maddie Was the infection explained to you. Also I hope you and baby are doing well now. But I also had to have an emergency c section for being in labour too long and other things that put me at risk of infection :/
The infection wasn’t really explained all that well to be honest other than the fact that it was probably due to waters having broken and infection being introduced that way as it was 48 hours before giving birth! During labour my little girl struggled and heart rate dropped a number of times, I had a really swollen cervix and just wasn’t progressing! I signed the paper work for an emergency c section after Drs came rushing in but thankfully baby’s heart rate calmed down enough so we could just do a normal c section🙏🏼 After antibiotics my little girl was absolutely fine and never had any complications after thankfully or myself😊 It is incredibly scary, definitely advocate for yourself and get the answers you deserve regarding your birth.
Hi, yes I had the same infection and ended in an emergency C-section due to my heart rate and slow progress. Myself and baby were put on antibiotics as a safety measure but we had no issues. Likewise to you, I was just told there was a small infection and didn’t know the name until I was in my booking appointment for my second baby 🙈