Since around 4 month my little boys sleep hasnt been the best it got better but then we hit 6 months and it’s really not been great at all. Don’t get me wrong we have had good nights but ultimately it’s been so so rough 😭 sometimes he wakes up a couple of Times but we are back to every 1hr again , myself and my partner are taking it in turns but we are all lacking so much sleep . I don’t know if he needs to be seen by a sleep hygienist or something or whether this is normal . I’m so glad you posted because sometimes I feel so deflated and like I’m really doing something wrong
🙋♀️ I’m on my knees too. My little girl is up every hour at least at the moment!
I really don’t think sleep training is the answer. I think we gotta grow through what we go though! One day she’s going to be 15 tell me to fuck off so I’m taking every moment as a win it’s going so so fast already xxx
@Oli 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
Hello I’m in the same boat (EBF, very little sleep) and I also have shingles very often since a couple of weeks and was starting to worry about it..
Saaaame here.
This is BY FAR the hardest age so far! I EBF too and I swear I not slept more than an hour at a time for the last 3 weeks, it's so bloody hard, I try to drink electrolyte drinks occasionally and get fresh air etc but damn it's hard. Sending you hugs xx