From what I’ve read a low placenta doesn’t affect feeling movement as it’s not like it’s blocking feeling kicks from the front but I hear more and more people say they’ve not felt much. I wonder if the baby also sits low and that’s why….
I am 23 weeks and only have really infrequent movements, sometimes during the day now but mostly at night. Its still very much flutters and like a fish is swimming every now and then. She had the hiccups the other day which was interesting as felt the movement and could see it looking at my stomach x
You can raise it with your midwife. I heard today that feeling movement at any time from 18-24 weeks is normal but if movement still hasn't been felt by 24 weeks, they can do an ultrasound to check
Hiya! I’m the exact same don’t worry, 24 weeks on Monday and still only got the bubbles / flutters with no pattern or consistency! The unknown is so hard 😅 But everyone I spoke to said it’s so normal especially first time around! If you are worried at all drop your midwife a message, mine is so good with reassuring me when needed xx
I'm intrigued by this as I have a low placenta too! I'm 22 weeks and not felt many movements just little bubbles x