Are you sure the two are related? Your resentment and wanting to leave being connected to perimenopause? What’s making you feel powerless?
@Respectfully 💯 I don't know if they are related. I wonder if anyone feels this way about their life and husband. Like every day, I'm irritated with him. I resent him for being where I am in my life. He has held me back. I feel like he doesn't listen and I'm a broken record. I'm ready to give up but sometimes I think it's my hormones. I get easily triggered and frustrated now. I will literally be in a good mood and he says something that sets me off.
@Carol a hormone doctor or for therapy ? I sometimes think I need a professional which is why I'm asking
The past 20 months I have been questioning my life choices on day to day stuff. It’s gotta be hormonal/mid-life/perimenopause because my emotions are all over the board when they once weren’t. I’m talking with dr about my feelings soon