Bouncing on a pregnancy ball helped me x
i was always told by my midwife that braxton hicks aren’t meant to be painful? so if they are really painful be best to get checked? x
@Kaitlyn Rose if there was a pattern to them and they got worse I would definitely call them up. But it’s very spontaneous no pattern and the pain is consistent. My midwife isn’t the best to me really x
@Kaitlyn Rose they deffo can be painful, especially as you get closer to the end. It can depend on lots of things such as babys position etc. Best thing to do is try walking around a bit and change positions, lean over something, bounce on ball, have a bath, lay down for a bit etc. Everyone's bodies are different. I noticed they would be worse when Id had a really active day so rest helps a lot too. Hot water bottle can help too
Yes! I haven't found anything that helps so far though