Could it be a certain smell? Strong perfume?
@Louise we thought it could be beards as one of them has a beard and the other doesn't but her dad also has a beard and she doesn't cry at him. Neither of them wear glasses. We are struggling to link it to a physical feature x
@Sahr I don't think so as none of them have a distinctive smell and she can be the other side of the room from them and still cries
My little girl does the same. She cries when she sees 2 of my brothers or a male she isn’t familiar with. With my brothers she literally screams untill they leave the room. I think she’s scared because she doesn’t see them much. I thought maybe it was because one of them has a big beard but my dad’s beard is massive and she’s absolutely fine with him. It could just be that they aren’t familiar faces and they get scared
I used to be scared of any man with a moustache.. like every single one I would scream blue murder 😂
Silly question but do they have physical features that confuse her? My hubby has a beard and baby tends to cry at men without beards It's not a negative experience just takes baby out of their comfort zone x