I was induced three days after my due date and I wish I would have just waited a little longer. I’ve always been told Pitocin contractions are worse than normal and my epidural failed.
@Rachel that’s literally what I keep hearing I’m just gonna cancel my induction cuz I’m not putting myself through that willingly. Thank you
@Heaven I plan on getting the epidural as well so hopefully it helps
I was over due and got induced and I wish I had waited it was extremely painful and when I finally did get my epidural it only worked on one side
I had a positive induction experience. Labor was still painful but I was able to get the epidural eventually & had a vaginal delivery the following day. I was induced at 39 weeks due to high risk pregnancy with my first & I am getting induced again with my second at 38 weeks willingly 😅🙏🏽 good luck to you either route you go! Wishing you & baby a safe labor & delivery 💖
@Meagan thank you and good luck to you as well! Glad you had a great experience!
@Khy that’s how I feel! If there’s no reason or medical concern that it needs to be done, I say let your body do what it will do on its own! 💗
@Khy my induction also almost turned into a C-section. They told me my body handled the Pitocin too well and it put my son into distress because I was having back to back contractions.
@Heaven what’s Pitocin? I keep seeing that? That’s why I’m so scared too I don’t want a C-section no offense to anyone who’s had one it’s just not what I envisioned for myself personally.
@Khy I completely understand. Pitocin is the main drug they give you for an induction. It’s a synthetic man made version of the natural drug oxytocin that your body releases when you go into labor. It causes you to have contractions and get your cervix dilated to give birth. Oxytocin naturally releases happy feelings but the Pitocin can’t do that which is also a downside of it.
@Heaven ohh okay thank you so yeah I’m definitely canceling my induction I appreciate the help!
I was induced last pregnancy and it wasn’t good lol I feel like my daughter wasn’t ready and it turned into a traumatic c section. 35% of inductions lead to c sections!