I would definitely take your baby to the emergency just in case.. I’m sorry you’re little one is going through this 🥺 my baby used to have trapped gas so we used “infants Mylicon” that literally helped him to poop and fart everything out but we had to keep using it everyday as well to help him:(
@Ally is there a reason i should go to the hospital or should i wait until til tomorrow to call a gp? x
Call the gp again tomorrow and if they don’t help just go to your local urgent care to check 🥺🫶🏼 that would’ve given me atleast less anxiety bc I’m not sure if it is or not normal but it does not hurt to check for your baby at an urgent care! ✨🥺 sorry if I scared you ! I meant to put urgent care not the emergency !
My baby is like this gassy as anything and poops super solid like pebbles. Pre mixed formula has a higher water content than getting powder so we give him a couple pre mixed feeds and it helps to soften it (health visitor advice). Also having his baths a little warmer than reccomended has helped ease his discomfort in his belly.
Ring 111 if you haven’t