I tested early on mine too, one was about 4 days early- both tested positive and both were really positive. Congratulations 🎉👣
Definitely looks positive to me! Congratulations!!
Sorry to say this but your mother in law seems just like a jealous person that doesn't want yall to be happy. But ma'am those are definitely positive congratulations. Enjoy your pregnancy and ignore the negativity.
I tested a week early and got positive. I’m now 33 weeks x
I tested positive 7DPT and am 26 weeks. Definitely not a false positive!
If your lines are getting darker then that is your HCG rising. If you took a one off test then it would be inconclusive. You should always wait for the official test day, and for bloods but not doing so doesn’t make you a liar, you are passing on the knowledge you have so far and she should consider you involving her with gratitude. Sure, acknowledging the science to safeguard your feelings is helpful, but Fertility is hard enough without pure negativity for the sake of it. It’s rather unkind. Enjoy looking at your test lines and passing that information to your clinic. It’s hardly going to be negative tomorrow, you have a test day to ensure the trigger is out of your system and your own HCG is present, and it would be zero line tomorrow if your HCG hasn’t taken over, so highly unlikely, right?!. So…Congratulations! Keep us updated! X
Well and truly pregnany. Congrats :)