I drank kefir daily
I didn't know this was a thing before ivf, is it just to help with the gut? I have kefir yoghurt every now and again, I've just had eggs retrieved. Would it help if I started now?
I drank kefir daily and took zita west femceive the vaginal probiotics
Thank you all, will be adding kefir to my supermarket shop this week!
@Sammy ❤️ it can help reduce inflammation and improve general reproductive health but for IVF it’s especially helpful at transfer stage I think and can possibly help reduce chances of miscarriage so all round a positive!
@Rachel aww thats good, I'm either having my transfer tomorrow or Thursday so I'll get onto it straight away xx
I used Biocare’s vaginal ones for optimal vaginal microbiome, which my consultant approved and my Emma/Alice test (test for microbiome in uterus which contributes to IVF success) was spotless
@Sammy ❤️ good luck, I really hope for successful transfer for you! ❤️
@Rachel thank you so much ❤️
@Maria when and how long for, are you supposed to take these? It says 7 days supply.
@A.B I took it once in 2-3 days before my FET, but might be better to discuss with your doctor as they may have different opinions. And once a day before my Alice/Emma test
I had Purolabs, i also had kefir. Good luck!