Newborns sleep a lot!! Unless he is struggling to feed, open bowels or isn’t having any wet nappies etc or other change in habits it does sound like infant dychezia. My baby also experiences this, she is 7 weeks now and it is common.
Massage the tummy Boil water getvhim to drink some between milk do the bicycle with his legs constipation is horrendous 😫 I suffer with it bad after my section mg daughter is . weeks good luck xxx
My daughter is EBF and also has this, I had suspected infant dyschezia too!
No harm in trying infacol my baby struggles with trapped wind and that helps her a lot and helps her poo as well
My baby was exactly the same and she’s on aptamil! My midwife told me If the consistency is normal then she probably isn’t in pain shes just getting annoyed that it isn’t coming out and it gets a bit uncomfortable but not painful! I also got told if she was really struggling give her a tiny bit of cool boiled water and it can help bring it on x