Oh sorry just clicked that you’ve said he is one now, maybe give the health visitor a call tomorrow and express your concerns, has he had his year check with them yet?
Mine is exactly the same :( she has good days and bad days but honestly no tips, just solidarity x
Your doctors or health visitor are best to speak to as they can refer you to a dietitian however getting appointments with dietitians is very hard to do. Keep a diary of what he will and does eat and how many wet and dirty nappies so you can take that to the gp, it’ll also be good to get him weighed regularly to see if there’s a drop in his weight. Under a year food is just for fun so as he’s still drinking milk I wouldn’t worry to much just keep letting him explore different food whenever you can. Unless he is dropping weight they won’t do an awful lot until he’s one as food isn’t the main source of nutrients until then but yeah just monitor growth and what he does eat and speak to the doctor or health visitor if you’re really concerned some children do take longer than others to take to solids x