@Anneliese he has one nap in the day, maximum 2 hours and he goes down for his nap between 10am and 1pm usually. My SIL likes to tell me how he sleeps through the night every time she has him though so I really don’t know what I’m doing wrong :(
Not an expert but we’ve had many sleepless nights and trial and errors! This is what I would do…. Reduce the day nap to 40 minutes and then putting him to bed a little later 8pm. Start using a day/night clock Do not allow him to come out of his room or even cot if he is happy to stay in there. Lie on the floor next to his cot, offer your hand or sing/hum quietly and calmly. Give extra milk to reset the bedtime routine and remind that it is sleep time. Then if he is safe in his cot try and fall asleep next to him and hope he follows suit. You could also look at what you’re doing before bed, have an “energy hour” go to the park, make an obstacle course, dance party. Get it all out. Then have a consistent calming routine - bath (20 mins), Story / audiobook (15 mins), milk then bed Finally you are not a bad mum! Sleep is a nightmare and affects everything - my husband and I go to bed straight after little one, cuddle and watch netflix Good Luck! 🤞🏻
That sounds so hard I understand the lack of sleep my daughter doesn’t sleep through and never has and I’m due baby number 2 any day now so I’m stressing 😩 what is he napping like in the day time? Is he sleeping too much?