I’m sorry, it’s so hard and I can imagine you’re exhausted working on top of it. My LO also fights sleep she has to be set down at least twice after a few hours of cluster feeding lately and bounced on the yoga ball in between each try to get her down. I’m not a medical professional but my Only concern would be to bring up the poop to your ped, my doctor always mentions wt this wge their poop is supposed to be more fluid, anything not mushy can be a sign of dehydration or an issue. I’d bring it up so LO is not in discomfort. You’re doing great, give yourself some grace.
You are not complaining. We all need an outlet and a chance to ask “is this normal” as moms.
@Sara ❤️
@Christina I feel bad I haven’t called the dr sooner but now I will. He definitely has the wetter poops but also sometimes not. I will call Monday thank w❤️
I don't have advice, but same 😩 it's draining