@Abbyie aww I love that! Plus you will have those to look back on and see how far you’ve come once you are on the other side. Yeah my issue is the guilt I feel because I’m not the mom I normally am to my toddler. Because my cup is empty right now so I don’t have anything to give!
I haven’t had that experience in my pregnancy (FTM) but have had in the past. Movement always seems to help me. Whether it’s a walk or some light exercise. I read a study in the past too about how even 15 minutes in nature without looking at your phone can help a lot. If you live somewhere with a walking path or even just your neighborhood that feels “nature-like” give that a try, maybe.
@Lauren yeah I do need to get outside more. It’s just a bummer since where I live we are having super bad air quality so it’s not good for me to be outside 😩 but thank you for reminding me! As soon as the air clears up hopefully in the next couple weeks I will try and get out there more even just for short walks!
This is my first pregnancy and I’ve had issues with depression and haven’t been doing the greatest with this pregnancy and I write letters to baby and it really helps me