@Oreoluwa thank you!! I’ll definitely take the advice
Praying🙏🏼 But also, sympathise and can relate - I had to have a catheter for 2 weeks after birth. It is horrible isn’t. Let us know how you go on x
@H I finally peed! My muscles are definitely taking a bit of time to wake up so I’ve been having to get up to go to the bathroom like once every 15 minutes but hey it’s better then carrying around a bag of pee🤣 I love talking to people who relate, thank you for commenting!!
Yay!! Well done! Keep doing those kagels/pelvic floor squeezes! Isn’t it wonderful to have it out! My big piece of advice is to regularly do your pelvic floor squeezes, like each time you feed or change a nappy - I’m 5months postpartum and I can totally tell when I’ve not done my squeezes! My bladder tore apart during the c section so that might affect my pee hold at the moment. Pelvic floor squeezes can also help your beautiful baby tum go down quicker too. I’m no doctor though, so go easy xx Congrats on peeing freely and your gorgeous newborn xxxx
My afternoon nurse made me try to pee on my own 2x but it was to no avail, at each moment I was worried and panicking, and then said I would have to get the catheter in again as my bladder was so full. Fortunately, the night nurse arrived just in time for her shift and gave me another shot. This time, she encouraged me to take a long walk around the hall and provided me with 500ml of apple juice, which helped a lot. After a while, she asked me to try again, incorporating breathing exercises and being more patient with myself. This time, I was in a warm sitz bath for 20 mins, which allowed me to feel the soothing warm water on my vulva and that enabled me to pee again