My private clinic said to stop 2 months (maybe 3mths I can’t remember!) prior ahead of starting my meds for a frozen transfer. I think it’s a hormone thing
We spoke with our clinic and they advised to of stopped BF. Good luck
We were advised to have stoped BF for 3 months, it can cause your hormones to be different and I didn’t want to risk my hormones being the reason that a transfer didn’t work X
I was told can’t be BF with medications and ivf cycle as it can cause to not be successful and also hormones go through the milk to Your child. If you are BF I wouldn’t do a transfer. Definitely stop first, I was BF and as we will do a transfer in the new year I have already stopped BF
@Carmina thank you. I’ll wait until I’ve stopped, but I don’t even know how to stop. My daughter feeds all the time!!
@Soph cut down to just feeding morning and before bed. Then during the day a cup of cows milk. On 3 meals plus snacks a day your LO shouldn’t be hungry for BM. It may be tough at the time but slowly ween of it.
@Francesca yeah it’s not out of hunger, she’s just got in a habit of using it for comfort.
Hi, when I started IVF I was still breastfeeding my daughter. We naturally stopped a few months ago. I did a lot of research around this and am part of a Facebook group for breastfeeding mothers undergoing fertility treatment. Essentially there is very little evidence that breastfeeding adversely affects success rates of IVF. Most drugs used are not excreted in breastmilk so are actually feet to be safe. Despite this a lot of clinics advise against breastfeeding. My doctor was happy for me to continue. Interestingly I seemed to respond better while still breastfeeding. Probably just a coincidence.
@Hannah thank you. I think I’m part of that same Facebook page, I’ve been following it. Yeah I might just end up transferring my embryo anyway as if my daughter doesn’t stop feeding for another year or longer I don’t want to wait that long to transfer really. We only have one embryo left and I’m getting older so want to do it while we have the best chance age wise.x
My doctor required me to stop breastfeeding for 2 months to be able to start the process for an embryo transfer.