@Stephanie Thankyou for your reply. I feel that after my miscarriage, they just expected me to get on and go back to normal. I’m constantly thinking, what if something happens on this next cycle and it’s the stress to blame for it. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself for it. Xx
Yeah, I definitely didn't give myself the proper time to recover after my miscarriage. With that alone you should use sick leave! Gearing up for another transfer is another really good reason!
@Stephanie yeah that’s what I thought. I’ll get these next 2 weeks out the way and say goodbye for a while xx
Good luck!! :)
Yes I did this too, went back to work after my loss and realised I shouldn’t have gone back. I ended up going off sick for a good few months after that while I was still in the trenches of IVF and then ultimately quit my job lol. It’s so hard managing ivf anxiety while working so put your health first. Drs are understanding and will keep giving you a sick note if you need it so don’t be afraid to be off work. It’s a difficult process and they can’t really say no x
I did and it was the best decision I made! I also had a miscarriage and a failed transfer so felt pretty defeated. We had one embryo left so I decided to take the week before and the week after my transfer off thinking stress might play a factor. I'm now 34 weeks! I was told that stress doesn't impact outcomes(or that they just really don't know) but I think if I hadn't taken that time off I wouldn't be pregnant. The time allowed me to relax, which can't hurt! Good luck!!