Oldest is 3, youngest is 6 months and I feel like I haven't been able to establish the same kind of routine I had with baby#1 because baby#1 has evolving and different needs. It's hard to balance things, esp bedtime and nap routines
Our oldest is 5 and youngest is 3 weeks old. So far, it’s going well. He likes to be involved, loves catering and cuddling his little brother. He’s hyperactive also so, we’re constantly telling him to be careful and to calm down.
@s a r a 🥀 I’m so glad things are going well! I wonder if it’s the ages. My toddlers almost 3 and she’s smart but obviously a 5 year old understands what you’re saying better.
@Lori I feel so bad for my son because if he’s to quiet we forget he’s in the room.
@Elizabeth so sorry you’re struggling too. Hopefully things take a turn for the better for both of us soon.
I have 2 kids and it's a big struggle most days. My oldest is gonna be 3 next month while my little guy is almost 9ms old. I struggle so much its crazy