Have you got any groups nearby? I felt this way too as I gave up my job and sold my house and moved 2 hours away just before I had my LO. X
I go to loads of baby groups, I've met some lovely mum friends who luve near me and now there's a little support network. Highly recommend getting out and about even though it seems scary, its worth it
I feel the same. I have researched baby groups in my area and am going to make an effort to go to a few a week in the hope of meeting some other mums in the same position. I have also just started back at netball so I feel like I’m doing something for me x
There’s a WhatsApp chat for mums in South Wales. I’m not an admin but I’ll see if I can share the link for you
@Taaylor could you share the whatsap group with Lydia if she wants to join
We go to groups. I had no friends in my local area when I had my first. I met my friends at baby groups and now have a really good group! Also both with my first and my twins, I’ve never taken bouncer or baby gym to anyone’s house (even my mums when we stay for a few days) we just make do with a few hand held toys that are normally on the car seat/pram. Babies will definitely just make do with what they have there
This is my life atm, I moved from wales to Cheshire and I see my family once every 3 months. I dont do well with making new friends as I’m quite a shy person anyway.
Pretty much in the same boat, from the states - moved tò Italy. And there are literally no baby groups whatsoever. It's Just not in the culture I Guess. So it's Just me and baby in the middle of nowhere
I didn’t know even have family I was very low and lonely. My partner didn’t understand me and thought I was lucky to be home with baby but it felt sad because I couldn’t work, do what I wished and had tons of responsibility. But it gets better I promise
Motherhood is the loneliest thing Ive ever gone through 🥺 and your man being your only friend doesn’t help at all because you feel like you come off as needy. That’s why i downloaded this app in hope that i would make new friends but the app overall is not helping. People are not responsive and not open to making new friends. I can say the same for real life situations besides this app. I tried joining a mommy and me class but everyone is so much older than me….
I totally dealt with postpartum depression for the last nine months so I definitely understand how you’re feeling if you ever want someone to talk to you can always message me directly
I moved to a new area. Away from all friends and nowhere near my family! Felt totally alone. If you can afford it then I highly recommend some mum/baby classes (sensory, yoga etc) but if money if tighter (let’s face it, newborns are a fortune) then arrange some coffee dates with some peanut locals or get on social media for some free mum hangouts in your area. There will be a community run family hub somewhere nearby! You are doing an amazing job and the first year is soooo tough! It’s gets easier. Just remind yourself how amazing you are on those down days. You are doing greater than you think 🩵
@Rachel Could you share the link with me as well please? I’m having my first baby in March and I live in South Wales ☺️
I’m in Wales but around an hour away from you. I’m going to be having my first baby in March and would be happy to chat/ meet halfway at some point in the future
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@Bethan hiya, I can’t share the link from what I can see as I’m not an admin but if you message Taaylor who I’ve tagged further up she should old be able to add you
Online gaming. My husband of 8 years and I separated a month before my baby was born. Online gaming is what helped
It's a huge adjustment. Give yourself time.
Thanks for all the advice! I’ll definitely look into baby groups in my area to get me started and I really like the idea of online gaming 👀
Yes. I feel u. I moved in with my cousin she said she wanted to help with the baby. For like a month straight after baby was born she was sick, which I know was out of her control but she wasn’t even helping with the house I was cleaning after her and taking care of baby and working 🫠 I had an outburst in the middle of the night when she said she can’t take the baby shes sick again 3 rd time this month no break in between And since then she hasn’t talked to me even with me apologizing and trying to get to fix it..,, The coldness of crying for help and someone just shuts the door on u is a loneliness unimaginable
To answer how I deal with it idk I pray a lot which helps
I genuinely think pregnancy and motherhood are a very lonely thing. I literally have no friends and I don't feel confident enough to go to play groups. Only thing I can suggest is just a routine to help get you out the house. Park 1 day, shopping, little walks and then hopefully it gets a little easier x
Hi happy to meet 4 coffee
Have you thought about crate training your puppy ?
@Jess I tried but he hated it and honestly people just need to give him a chance he’s still a baby too and after a lil while he’ll calm down he just gets real excited to see people 🥺
@Mia I’m sorry about your experience I do like the idea of praying though 🫶🏻
@Leanne yeah I’ll definitely try that! Would be nice to have a friend to do those things with though
@Lydia i completely agree with you, it will happen at some point but main thing is to try get out x
I always get blocked when I talk about religion here so if u ever wanna pray, talk about God, or anything really DM me
That's a tough one - I still feel lonely and don't really know who I am at the moment! If I was to give a friend advice I would probably say to make time for yourself again if you can and to try and go out to baby groups as you might meet someone you like! I get the feeling that it might get easier to make mum friends when your kids can play together independently... If you ever just wanted to chat then I am here. X