It can be a lonely journey. Of course my husband is my support system but I also told a few people that are close to me. Its became like a"just updating them as im going through this journey" rather than having them sounding very interested in it. Sometimes i feel like they just cant wait for me to say im pregnant so they dont hear about IVF anymore. Glad my mom and my mother in law and a few others reach out and want to learn more and are interested. I have made a few friends on here that are going through a similar journey. I would like to say sorry about your failed transfer but good luck on your FET! Mines is scheduled for Feb. 11th.
@Patrice I wish you the best of luck for Feb as well. I’m really glad to hear that. I have a few friends I’ve shared it with but they are all so busy and don’t really understand the strain of IVF.
@Bela yeah I unfortunately don’t have any around me as I’m traveling to the clinic unfortunately.
I agree with Bela. It can be a really lonely journey and people who didn't experience it don't really know what you are going through. Just know you are not alone (I know hearing it is not enough), but there are so many of us out there. Even this App and these groups on here helped me to connect for a little while and opened my eyes to how many do go through this. I wish you nothing but the best!! Lots of Baby dust and good vibes! 💕 You are one in a million!!
@Paris if you ever need someone to talk to, im here
You’re definitely not alone in feeling. This way - it can be a very lonely and isolating journey. I’ve really felt like this so can really relate and it’s so hard when people just say oh it’ll all work out, what’s meant to be etc - just invalidating everything you’re going through and minimising it, it’s very frustrating. Sending a virtual hug - peanut has been great for me to know I’m not in my own feeling like this
This is a very lonely journey. Only people who've been through it understand how hard and painful it is. Most people just spit platitudes that aren't helpful and just annoying. I joined a support group, and that was very helpful.