@Oliwia this is me all over
I have it terribly I used to suffer so bad with myself before baby but now idgaf about my self it’s just all about health anxiety for my baby it’s so hard, I check her temperature almost daily and when she has a temperature I feel sick, I panic, I been to gp a lot but I feel like it’s all reasonably stuff for me to actually go anyway, I worry about her getting sick and unwell we already have 3 cold and a chest infection and I barley go out with her unless it’s food shop or for a walk as in so scared she’ll get sick. But we still catch these things I worry about family holding her in case she gets sick from them:( It’s horrible I spent a lot of time googling and worrying constantly it’s sooo draining I can’t ever relax
Honestly never really seemed to struggle with stuff like that. But ever since my little one was born I’ve been worried sick. We ended up in A&E twice already. Once because he has a 39degree fever and the second time because he was being sick every 5 minutes and was going floppy. Ever since I’ve been so worried. Every time he seems the slightest bit off I’m stressing. Or if anyone around us is ill I get so worried about my little one.