Because of our financial situation I'm living with my MIL that pulls the same shit. I do both depending on the day. Somedays I'll walk away and tell my bf to deal with his mother or I tell her off too. So she knows that I'm not hiding behind him 🤷♀️ i will match energy if I have to. My daughter threw up all night so the 3 of us ended up taking a nap. As soon as my daughter and I got up out of bed she started in on my parenting is what caused her to throw up 🙃 i weighed my options and just got my bf cuz im so exhausted that I know I'll end up being a huge bitch if I had to deal with it
Ignore her and do the minimum. Even this is going to cause an issue. It’s actually crazy but stand your ground and eventually you’ll regain your power back once you stop caring and stop giving into the nonsenses. Worked for me. 😌
I think you should show her you are not a push over and defend yourself, if sometimes you choose to take the high road then fine, but let her know that’s what your doing because your not going to argue with an overgrown child 😁
@Katy can we be friends? I’m in the same exact situation
@Isabella absolutely! It'd be nice to talk to someone else beside my bf about it. I feel like he just thinks I'm talking shit about him mom all the tim
I cut mine off completely and am perfectly content and happy about it almost 2 years later